本自述文件包含有关安装和使用 Autodesk 3ds Max 2014 SP1 和 Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2014 SP1 软件的最新信息。强烈建议您在安装软件之前完整阅读本文档。为了便于以后参考,您应当将本自述文件保存到硬盘上。
注意:对于安装第三方硬件或软件供应商发布的在本文档中标识的合格软件或硬件(或您可能用于 Autodesk 产品的任何其他第三方软件或硬件)的更新、扩展或新版本而引起的 Autodesk 软件错误或故障,Autodesk 不承担任何责任。
其他资源 |
先决条件 |
Service Pack 版本 |
安装/卸载 |
Autodesk 3ds Max/3ds Max Design 2014 已知问题和缺陷 | Autodesk® 3ds Max/3ds Max Design 2014 SP1 本地化版本已知问题和修复 |
客户参与计划 (CIP) 和客户错误报告 (CER) |
可以在下表中找到 3ds Max 2014/3ds Max Design 2014 的各种相关资源:
资源 |
位置 |
安装、许可和网络说明 |
系统需求 |
学习资源 |
www.autodesk.com/3dsmax-learningpath 或 www.autodesk.com/3dsmaxdesign-learningpath |
支持资源 |
www.autodesk.com/3dsmax-support 或 www.autodesk.com/3dsmaxdesign-support |
用户必须首先安装 Autodesk 3ds Max 2014/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2014,才能安装此 Service Pack。
3ds Max Beta 版安装
如果之前安装了 Autodesk 3ds Max 2014/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2014 的任何 Beta 版软件(包括候选发布 (RC) 版本),请卸载并删除与这些 Beta 版本相关的所有系统文件夹,才可安装商业版本。Beta 门户上的 Beta 和 RC 自述文件中发布了有关如何卸载 Beta 版本的说明。
更新的产品 |
更新文件名 |
Autodesk 3ds Max 2014 |
3dsMax2014_SP1.msp |
Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2014 |
3dsMaxDesign2014_SP1.msp |
1. 下载对应您系统的文件。请参见“Service Pack 版本”。
2. 双击 Service Pack 1 可执行文件。
3. 按照 Service Pack 1 安装程序中的安装提示进行安装。
Windows 7
1. 打开“开始”>“控制面板”>“程序和功能”。
2. 单击“查看已安装的更新”。
3. 选择“Autodesk 3ds Max 2014 Service Pack 1/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2014 Service Pack 1”。
4. 单击“卸载”。
缺陷 |
概要 |
MAXX-12824 |
The render parameters in 3ds Max 2013 files cause a program error that removes all the saved State Sets |
MAXX-12586 |
Customer Error Report when using Clone brush in Viewport Canvas |
MAXX-12541 |
Program error when using MassFX Bouyancy and the Shape Instance operator |
MAXX-12519 |
UVUnwrap: Peel lock-up |
MAXX-12441 |
Image-Based Lighting and Distributed Bucket Rendering cause intermittent program errors. |
MAXX-12361 |
Image-Based Lighting and Distributed Bucket Rendering produce over-bright images. |
MAXX-12414 |
Populate: Recover from error if the registry keys are not set up properly for the Skin engine. |
MAXX-12407 |
Program error in Nitrous with SwapChainAMDStereoDx11 |
MAXX-12401 |
Populate: Right-click cancel not working correctly with idle areas in add/subtract mode and also on Reset. |
MAXX-12276 |
Populate: Simulation of Xref'd flow causes program error. |
MAXX-12194 |
Expose Transform helper is broken. |
MAXX-12180 |
Populate: Adding a modifier to a pathflow/idle area and then Undoing causes an error. |
MAXX-12118 |
Arm pops in corrupted Idle file. |
MAXX-12107 |
Program error after import when regenerating a character |
MAXX-12069 |
Program error on startup, dxutil, MaxDXUtilites, GetAdapterIdentifier |
MAXX-12051 |
Exchange Store shouldn't report error messages for other products' packages. |
MAXX-12030 |
Creating more than one Expose Transform and selecting a different Expose Transform causes a Customer Error Report. |
MAXX-12016 |
Warnings from the mental ray Translator |
MAXX-11978 |
Problem with Pausing and Resuming an iray rendering |
MAXX-11977 |
Create flow idle/area brush tool stays active after Reset. |
MAXX-11972 |
Populate: Extend/Modify flow tool is broken. |
MAXX-11946 |
Program error when rendering to EXR format |
MAXX-11898 |
Typing a value in a spinner where only the last digit changes doesn't always update the value. |
MAXX-11886 |
Backburner 2014 queue control seems to be broken. |
MAXX-11885 |
Backburner: Suspend current jobs not working. |
MAXX-11873 |
Lighting Analysis Image Overlay effect is present in 3ds Max Entertainment. |
MAXX-11871 |
CAT: Undoing Global Weight results in messed-up rigs. |
MAXX-11870 |
CAT: Undoing parameter update issues |
MAXX-11857 |
Switching from Graphical to Default menus causes program errors. |
MAXX-11856 |
Program error on selecting State Sets in Quad Menu after reinstalling into a different directory |
MAXX-11855 |
MacroRecorder reports toolMode.coordsys #pivot. |
MAXX-11852 |
RayMeshGridIntersect broken |
MAXX-11834 |
Lags when navigating large-scale scenes because of software hit test |
MAXX-11817 |
Inconsistent texture-resolution control |
MAXX-11810 |
Default renderer used instead of Maxstart.max file renderer assignment. |
MAXX-11808 |
Display name does not refresh in Material Map\Browser. |
MAXX-11791 |
Populate: Idle Areas/Flows when hidden via 3dsmax Display leaves placement marks behind. |
MAXX-11780 |
CAT:Program error after setting a key for CAT parent object |
MAXX-11779 |
Simulating and Scrubbing with Set Key distorts textures. |
MAXX-11766 |
Bit Depth on Render-To-Texture renderings not consistent |
MAXX-11758 |
Modal error message with Caustics and Image-Based Lighting |
MAXX-11753 |
Global Search / tooltips don't work in some cases. |
MAXX-11750 |
Edit Named Selection Sets button error |
MAXX-11747 |
On/Off controller: Program error opening Track View |
MAXX-11745 |
Morpher modifier: Timeline slow-down with an instanced Morpher modifier |
MAXX-11743 |
Program error in ParamBlock2::GetRefNum() |
MAXX-11732 |
Skin Morph modifier: Unordered mesh vertices coming from Maya FBX can cause a program error when using Edge Loop. |
MAXX-11731 |
Program error when opening scene with scripted material extending DirectX 9 |
MAXX-11722 |
Textures do not respect Texture Resolution Limit when "Show Shaded Material in Viewport" is on. |
MAXX-11716 |
Motion Mixer: File I/O failure with 3ds Max objects |
MAXX-11715 |
mental ray will not render multiple Substance textures when using Backburner. |
MAXX-11713 |
Console menu (X key): Program error on Merge command |
MAXX-11711 |
Meta data on Custom Family Types lost in 3ds Max. |
MAXX-11705 |
Populate: For flow paths, regenerating any of the crowd res characters then switching to high res, the customization gets lost. |
MAXX-11699 |
MAXScript and SDK: rotateYPRMatrix inaccurate |
MAXX-11683 |
Program error on loading a scene file |
MAXX-11678 |
Slider hide in the Perspective view |
MAXX-11667 |
Import .dxf causes eInvalidSymboleTableName error with some models. |
MAXX-11655 |
Populate: Flows / Idle Areas can be keyed. |
MAXX-11648 |
Populate: No intersection Snapping within the same Flow |
MAXX-11647 |
Populate: Floating People from Flows with no outlet and an intersection of two Ramp landings |
MAXX-11631 |
QuickTime rendering failures |
MAXX-11625 |
Progressive is set to On on closing 3ds Max. |
MAXX-11607 |
Populate: Width parameter not using display units. |
MAXX-11567 |
Frozen splines aren't displayed in gray (have original color). |
MAXX-11562 |
Populate: Pedestrians seem to be biased to respawn from only one lane when multiple lanes are available. |
MAXX-11561 |
Access violation / Program error loading file Entities25r.max. |
MAXX-11556 |
When resizing viewports in 2D Pan Zoom mode, the model and background go out of sync. |
MAXX-11554 |
When in 2D Pan Zoom mode, background image not loaded on startup. |
MAXX-11547 |
Exceptions and asserts when using MAXScript to edit the MassFX Rigid-Body modifier. |
MAXX-11529 |
Bump maps inverted when using Noise with the iray renderer. |
MAXX-11506 |
Program error when exporting a file into FBX |
MAXX-11505 |
Exporting a file into FBX and importing it back into 3ds Max causes an error. |
MAXX-11504 |
Graphical menu updates when building menus in MAXScript |
MAXX-11503 |
mia_material's photon shader does not use Cutout opacity correctly. |
MAXX-11501 |
Delay when selecting or deselecting a Body Object imported from a .SAT file. |
MAXX-11492 |
Adaptive Degradation: Creating a Teapot in Perspective view causes the object to display as a box in other views. |
MAXX-11442 |
Max 2011 can't load a 574-MB scene saved from 2014/2013/2012. |
MAXX-11350 |
MAXScript: skinOps.(is)RigidVertex can't address first vertex of skin. |
MAXX-11265 |
Textures in MetaSL maps do not respect Texture Maps resolution limitation. |
MAXX-11205 |
Black images when rendering a .MI file on MRStandalone on Linux created from 3ds Max. |
MAXX-11169 |
CAT: Using the Animation Controller option in Setup Mode causes arm to pop. |
MAXX-11154 |
Regression: Performance decrease with Body Objects in wireframe mode. |
MAXX-11118 |
Screen environment map shift when using 2D Pan Zoom mode |
MAXX-11110 |
Bug in the "Save Custom UI Scheme" dialog. |
MAXX-10966 |
Populate: CUI actions that do creation don't work when called from the Quad Menu. |
MAXX-10955 |
Populate: No range limit from MAXSWcript for Path Flows and Idle Areas properties. |
MAXX-10677 |
Populate: Pedestrians start with the same animation offset. |
MAXX-10313 |
Text Size and Kerning not matching in Adobe After Effects. |
MAXX-10261 |
Parameter Wiring: Program error on New/Reset/Open/Close with file open. |
MAXX-9418 |
Locked UI in some floating dialogs such as Render Surface and MassFX Tools |
MAXX-9260 |
Cannot open file with D3D viewport driver and NV480 card. |
MAXX-8733 |
Program error in PeopleOrchestrator, Evolver::Avatar |
MAXX-7296 |
Enable cross-hair produces a lag when selecting. |
MAXX-7040 |
CAT: Manipulation Affects Neighbors in Hierarchy does not work. |
MAXX-6344 |
CAT: Copy/Mirror hand setup not working. |
MAXX-6194 |
Program error when Dope Sheet: Layer Ranges used with CATRig. |
MAXX-5227 |
Nitrous: castle.max not responding after locking and then unlocking the system. |
MAXX-3512 |
Modifier Stack: Collapse list for idle areas needed fixing. |
MAXX-1842 |
CAT: Undo skin operation will destroy the rig. |
MAXX-12237 |
Populate: Program error when regenerating a character in an Idle Area that was modified to be too small |
动画工作台/CAT 装备:层范围(所有本地化语言) |
在 3ds Max 2014 本地化的发布版本中,单击“打开迷你曲线编辑器”将显示默认布局。在 SP1 中,此缺陷已修复并显示正确的轨迹栏布局。但是,要修复此缺陷,字符串“轨迹栏布局”将以英文显示在 UI 中。 |
3ds Max Design 教程(所有本地化语言) |
在 3ds Max Design 2014 本地化的发布版本中,单击“帮助”菜单下的“教程”将显示英文教程。在 SP1 中已进行修复,将显示本地化教程。 | 轨迹视图中的四元菜单(仅日文) |
在 3ds Max 2014 和 3ds Max Design 2014 日文发布版本中,无法在轨迹视图和轨迹栏中显示四元菜单。在 SP1 中,此缺陷已修复。但是,要修复此缺陷,以下菜单字符串将以英文显示在 UI 中: |
3ds Max 帮助/新功能(仅法语) |
在 3ds Max 2014 和 3ds Max Design 2014 法语发布版本中,单击“帮助”菜单下的“3ds Max 帮助”和“新功能”将显示英文帮助。在 SP1 中已进行修复,将显示本地化帮助文档。 |
第一次启动 3ds Max/3ds Max Design 时,将打开“客户参与计划”对话框。如果选择加入客户参与计划,3ds Max 或 3ds Max Design 将自动向 Autodesk 发送有关系统配置、常用功能、所遇问题的信息,以及其他有助于确定产品未来发展方向的信息。 有关详细信息,请参见 www.autodesk.com/cip。
安装并启动 3ds Max/3ds Max Design。
在“客户参与计划”对话框中,选择“加入 - 并提供联系信息”。
最终用户提交的客户错误报告 (CER) 帮助我们极大提高了 Autodesk 3ds Max/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 的稳定性。我们非常感谢您花时间填写这些报告,我们希望您提供尽可能多的有关在发生错误时您执行的操作的信息。这些详细信息极大提高了报告的价值,Autodesk 3ds Max 质量工程团队非常感谢您提供了这些信息。
有关 CER 的详细信息,请参考 www.autodesk.com/cer。
Copyright © 2013 Autodesk, Inc.