Thank you for downloading AutoCAD® Architecture 2011 Update 2
This readme contains the latest information regarding the installation and use of this update. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before you apply this update to your product. For reference, you should save this document to your hard drive or print a copy.
You can apply this update to the following Autodesk products running on all supported operating systems and languages. Be sure to install the correct update for your software.
NOTE: Before installing Update 2, you need to install Update 1. If you already have update 1 installed you can now install update 2. Architecture 2011 Update 1
You can also use Communication Center to install the Live Update Maintenance Patches, which will automatically show the correct update for your product.
32-bit Product |
Update |
AutoCAD Architecture 2011 | ACA2011Update2.exe |
64-bit Product |
Update |
AutoCAD Architecture 2011 | ACA2011Update2x64.exe |
You can use this update with the following operating systems below.
Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Service Pack 3 (SP3) of the following:
Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Service Pack 2 (SP2) of the following:
The following Windows® 7 operating systems:
When you apply this update while running AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, it is recommended that you do not click the "Automatically close applications and attempt to restart them after setup is complete" option. Instead, close AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT manually, and press "Ignore" at the prompt. It is also recommended that you reboot your system after installing the update.
As a result of detailed information from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility, a number of problems were identified and fixed. Updates have been made in the following commands and features:
AutoCAD Architecture Update 1
AutoCAD Architecture Update 2
AutoCAD Update 1
AutoCAD Update 2
The following defects have been fixed:
3D Modeling
Update 1
- Components whose display has been turned off are shown on converting an AEC object to a 3D Solid.
Annotation Scaling
Update 2
- If two drawing units are different, the annotative blocks of the previous drawing version might be inserted with incorrect scale.
Curtain Walls
Update 1
- Custom model components in a curtain wall may display incorrect material assignments in different display configurations in 3D views.
Detail Components
Update 2
- Some detail components might not be added in the UK profile after installing Update 1.
Update 1
- Associative dimensions may not update when walls are moved.
Update 2
- When you insert doors or windows evenly between the grid line or between walls, the elevation of the inserted doors or windows may result to a zero value.
Drawing Management
Update 1
- Redefining an existing model space view causes AutoCAD Architecture to crash.
Update 2
- Clearing the XML file in the current project may cause AutoCAD Architecture to crash.
- Renaming or renumbering the sheet in the Project Navigator may cause AutoCAD Architecture to crash.
General UI
Update 1
- AutoCAD Architecture may crash on launching the Style Manager.
Update 2
- Accessing some tools from the Tool palettes may cause AutoCAD Architecture to crash.
Update 1
- Third-party applications based on AutoCAD Architecture cannot access their Help files through the application.
Update 1
- Some roofs may change position after executing the IFCEXPORT command.
Update 1
- The MATERIALLIST command reports the volume of only the first object in a multiple selection.
Update 1
- AutoCAD Architecture may crash while trimming entities.
Multi-View Blocks
Update 2
- Exporting multi-view blocks to AutoCAD may result to incorrect size.
- In 3D shaded visual styles, the MV –Block created from circle with specified thickness might be drawn double.
Update 2
- When the OpenLight plug-in is installed, the changes in the display configurations may not be maintained.
Update 1
- Sometimes memory usage increases when switching back and forth between the tabs of the Properties Palette.
Update 1
- A wall with display overrides displays incorrectly when modified in the renovation mode.
Update 1
- Creating a horizontal section may cause AutoCAD Architecture to crash.
Update 1
- No style information is available in the Properties Palette for a slab created by applying the properties of the Slab tool to linework and walls.
Structural Members
Update 2
- When the start offset of a structural member is larger than its logical length, may cause AutoCAD Architecture to crash.
Update 1
- Trimming a wall may cause doors and windows in the wall to move or disappear.
- Walls that clean up correctly in a previous version may not clean up correctly in AutoCAD Architecture 2011.
- Wall cleanup EIP functions such as Merge, Subtract, Fillet, and Chamfer do not work in a custom UCS.
Update 2
- Changing the view cube from parallel to perspective from the shortcut menu after selecting a wall may cause AutoCAD Architecture to crash.
- Clicking the Add Vertex button for some walls while editing in-place may cause AutoCAD Architecture to crash.
- Converting a 3D solid object created by extruding profile along a certain path to wall may cause irregular geometry.
- If the walls are with separate wall components which have bottom elevation offset, these walls may not display correctly in plan view.
The following defects have been fixed:
Update 1
- .NET applications built for AutoCAD 2010 may not run on AutoCAD 2011.
- When opening multiple drawings, the minimize and maximize buttons may not always be visible.
- You may experience a random exception when loading custom ARX applications.
Update 2
- .NET API is not always able to create a polyline boundary.
2D Display
Update 1
- When using Software Acceleration, AutoCAD may become unstable.
3D Cache
Update 1
- When VSINTERSECTIONEDGES is set to “0”, Camera preview can be extremely slow.
3D Modeling
Update 1
- AutoCAD may become unstable when stretching along the Z-axis of the Gizmo.
- Using the Gizmo grip on a 3D model may not work correctly from the right-click menu.
3D Navigation Tools
Update 1
- Navigation Bar tooltips may cause AutoCAD to become unstable when switching between drawings.
- Clicking on the “X” to close AutoCAD may fail if the drawing is maximized, and both the ViewCube® and SteeringWheels® function are enabled.
- Orbiting 3D models does not degrade when Adaptive Degradation is checked in the Performance Tuner and uses the 3D Connexion device.
- AutoCAD may become unstable when using the Look tool in the WHEEL command.
- AutoCAD may become unstable when using 3D Orbit in degradation mode with 3Dconnexion devices.
- AutoCAD may become unstable when using the Walk tool in the SteeringWheels feature with degradation and when FPS is set to a limit of 30.
Update 2
- AutoCAD may become unstable when selecting Perspective in the View Cube context menu.
- 3Dconnexion device may not work properly on a 64 bit Operating System in 2D mode in paper space.
- 3Dconnexion device performance may be slow when zooming and or working in a 2D visual style.
3D Organic Modeling
Update 2
- Extrusions from mesh face path may not be able to follow multiple segment paths correctly.
- Using an API to render AcDbSubDmesh may lose its orientation, scale and original texture mapping.
3D Surface Modeling
Update 2
- AutoCAD may become unstable when editing a drawing with all 3dosnaps enabled.
Annotation Scaling
Update 1
- Drawings containing 100 or more annotation scales cannot be reset.
Update 2
- AutoCAD may become unstable after using Control Copy and Control Paste, then SAVEAS to R12DXF
Update 1
- Third-party applications may fail when using "removeCmd" in custom ARX applications.
Update 1
- Multiline attributes in a dynamic block created in AutoCAD 2011 may not display in AutoCAD 2010.
Command Line
Update 1
- With Dynamic Mode set to “0”, you may not be able to input Japanese or Chinese characters at the command line.
Update 2
- Command line history may display items that were not entered through the command line.
Customer Involvement Program
Update 1
- AutoCAD fails to start due to Customer Involvement Program on Windows 7 workstations with Windows 2008 Server on the same subnet.
Update 1
- When an Enterprise menu is loaded, the Workspace control in the CUI Editor may be grayed out.
- Unable to copy and paste toolbar controls in the CUI Editor.
- When switching profiles that point to a CUIx file cannot be found, AutoCAD may become unstable.
- When using "^P" in a macro, the MENUECHO is not displayed properly.
Update 1
- AutoCAD will display a CER (Customer Error Report) dialog when exiting AutoCAD with a digitizer configured.
DGN Support
Update 1
- DGNIMPORT command may not work with the option to ignore external references.
Update 1
- Some AutoCAD Mechanical objects cannot be selected after being inserted as a block and exploded.
- AutoCAD may become unstable when using eTransmit on drawings containing multileaders.
Display Acceleration
Update 1
- AutoCAD may become unstable when a password-protected screen saver displays on the screen.
Display Drivers
Update 1
- May have issues updating the Graphics Card drivers on Windows Vista or Windows 7.
- Some display drivers may show up as certified even though they were not certified.
Draw 2D
Update 2
- When trimming polylines and arcs the shape can change and sometimes decurve.
- Polylines may return a negative area if you have used the REVERSE command.
Update 2
- WBLOCK may be unable to save the drawing to the AutoCAD 2000 file format for “DWG” and “DXF”.
Update 2
- Plotting DWF Classic may be missing lines on the final DWF.
External References
Update 1
- AutoCAD may become unstable when an External Reference is reloaded after XOPEN, EDIT, or SAVE.
Graphic System
Update 1
- AutoCAD may become unstable when opening multiple drawings in the same session when running out of video memory.
- AutoCAD may become unstable when opening large amounts of drawings.
Update 1
- Hatch may not display properly when dynamic blocks are part of the boundary and live preview is enabled.
- Some hatch objects on a newly thawed layer may require a “REGEN” to display.
- Some custom hatch patterns may not display in the Ribbon panel.
- AutoCAD may become unstable when using grips to select hatches in some drawings.
- AutoCAD may become unstable when editing annotative hatch through the Ribbon.
- Hatch Scale may revert to 1 when setting transparency and angle on a hatch pattern on a 64-bit operating system.
Update 1
- Welcome Screen Videos may not play on 64-bit operating systems.
- Searching Online Help may be slow.
Update 1
- AutoCAD may become unstable when plotting a drawing with plot transparency set to "On".
Update 1
- Changing layers transparently from the Ribbon will not update to the new layer when you complete the command.
- Layer properties cannot be changed transparently from the Ribbon.
Update 1
- Cascading license can't be checked out if one of the distributed server machines doesn't exist on the network.
- AutoCAD cannot get a license from the distributed server when one of servers is stopped.
Update 1
- Protein Materials values created on a 64-bit operating system will not work on a 32-bit operating system.
- When FBXEXPORT is using the default settings, de-selecting the Insert as Block option in FBXIMPORT results in nothing being imported.
Update 2
- Drawings rendered in AutoCAD 2012 may display an error when rendered in AutoCAD 2011.
- When rendering a drawing, you may receive an error message about missing assets.
Update 2
- Input value may not be displayed in the recent input right click menu.
Update 1
- Mtext Paragraph spacing cannot be removed.
- Text in AutoCAD Mechanical-created Fit dimension can change unexpectedly after DDEDIT.
Update 2
- AutoCAD may become unstable after editing Mtext and then changing viewports.
Update 2
- Unable to export multi-line attribute values with ObjectDBX.
OLE (Object Linking & Embedding)
Update 1
- Drawings with OLE objects saved as a DXF file no longer contain OLE options.
Update 1
- AutoCAD may become unstable when using Undo on large drawings.
Update 2
- You may receive an "Invalid Drawing" warning when opening up drawings created on AutoCAD 2011 for the Mac.
Update 2
- AutoCAD may become unstable when importing a profile that contains a change to the STATUSBAR sysvar.
Update 2
- Perpendicular Osnap behavior is different when grip editing Lines and grip editing Polylines.
Update 1
- FBX® files imported from Autodesk 3ds Max will not import unless materials are unchecked.
- AutoCAD may become unstable if a drawing REGEN occurs after editing a block.
- AutoCAD will not take advantage of the 3-gigabyte switch when enabled on a 32-bit operating system.
- Color book values may not display properly in AutoCAD
- Some PGP aliases may not function in AutoCAD LT.
Update 2
- Drawing files created with non-Autodesk products can now be successfully opened using the COM AcadDocuments::Open API.
Partial Open
Update 1
- AutoCAD may become unstable when SDI (Single Document Interface) is set to 1, while editing drawings with OPENPARTIAL are set to 1.
PDF Export
Update 1
- Adobe Reader may display a warning message “Cannot find or create the font “ArialMT” when opening PDF files created in AutoCAD.
Update 2
- Some custom lisp routines may run slower than in previous releases.
- Performance may be slow on Windows 7 with selected polylines while zoomed out as far as possible.
Property Palette
Update 2
- Property Palette may become slow when selecting dimension entities.
Update 2
- AutoCAD may become unstable when publishing large drawings to PDF.
Raster Design
Update 1
- AutoCAD may become unstable when inserting some BMP images.
- Saving with ISAVE, ISAVEAS, and ISAVE again may cause an error message saying that you cannot save the file.
Update 2
- Running recover on some DWG files may cause text to move in the DWG.
Update 1
- AutoCAD may become unstable in a side-by-side install if the files tab path points to the Install Directory of AutoCAD 2010.
- AutoCAD may become unstable when Regional and Language Options are set to Turkish language.
- Ribbon Fold panels cannot be transferred in the CUI Editor.
- AutoCAD may become unstable if you have a "." in your menugroup name.
- While in a command, changing the workspace from the Quick Access toolbar will not work.
- Loading custom toolbars from the Ribbon may fail.
Update 2
Custom menu macros that send numbers to the command line will only work once when entered from the Ribbon.
Section & Flatten
Update 1
- All cut-away geometry in sectionplane may not display properly when selecting “Show Cut-away Geometry”.
Selection Highlighting
Update 1
- Selection Cycling displays when none should be visible.
- AutoCAD may become unstable when holding control and hovering over intersections of lines.
- Changing the Selection Cycling toggle from "Off" to "On" and then quitting AutoCAD may cause you to receive an error report.
- AutoCAD may become unstable after using the "CapturePreviewImage" method
Update 1
- Crosshairs do not extend across the screen when set to 100% in isometric snap style.
Update 2
- AutoCAD may become unstable while editing MTEXT.
Visual Lisp
Update 1
Visual Lisp may display an error message when using ads_defun and ads_regfunc calls in AcApp.arx.
- When using the lisp function, "vl-directory-files" may cause AutoCAD to become unstable if the directory path is long.
Update 2
- When Workspaces are set to automatically save changes, restarting AutoCAD may result in both the Ribbon and the Command line being turned off.
As you prepare to install this update, keep the following in mind:
Back Up Custom Files
It is recommended that you back up all custom CUI, MNR, and MNL files before you apply this update.
Administrative Privileges
During installation, you will be prompted for the original installation media or a network image. In order to apply this update, you must have administrative privileges to install and uninstall products.
Network Deployment
Administrators can deploy this update over a network using the Deployment Wizard.
About Your Product
After you install, product information displays in the About dialog box.
After you install, it is recommended to reboot your system even if not prompted.
The following Microsoft Windows command line switches are built into this update:
Instructions about how to use the /e command line switch are included in the installation procedures that follow.
Follow these instructions to install this update on a single computer.
You can use InfoCenter to apply this update through your local network. Detailed instructions on how to set up patching through your local network are listed in the InfoCenter tab of the CAD Manager Control Utility Help.
Note: You can install the CAD Manager Control Utility from the product installation media. Select Install Tools and Utilities and then select Autodesk CAD Manager Tools.
NOTE: Update 2 cannot be deployed through an administrative image. You can apply update 2 at the workstation as long as it is already patched to Update 1.
Note: This update cannot be uninstalled when the product is installed from a deployment (also called an administrative image) with a merged update.
Windows XP
Windows Vista and Windows 7
Copyright ©2011 Autodesk, Inc.