Readme for the Autodesk 2006 OE Hotfix
Autodesk 2006 OE Hotfix
Drawings with custom AEC objects created in an AutoCAD® 2007-based product and saved in the AutoCAD® 2004 or older drawing
format may display multiple error messages when working with them in an AutoCAD 2006-based product.
This Hotfix suppresses the unneeded error messages.
These error messages are caused by the presence of future-version custom AEC objects that are too complex to be saved back
to a previous drawing format. Proxy representations of these objects are not properly handled by the earlier Object Enablers.
Additional problems when working with these drawings include the inability to bind xrefs in some
circumstances. The custom AEC objects in these drawings cannot be edited and will be visible only if ProxyGraphics are
enabled when the drawing is saved from the original application.
For more information about custom and proxy objects, see the "Work with Custom and Proxy Objects" topic in the
AutoCAD Help system. Enter "proxy objects" on the Search tab.
Who should install this Hotfix?
Install this Hotfix if you see the following error messages when you use 2007-format drawings saved in
the 2004 or older format:
- ARX_ERROR: eNotThatKindOfClass
- ARX ERROR: eDuplicateKey
Which Autodesk products are compatible with this Hotfix?
- AutoCAD 2006
- AutoCAD LT 2006
- AutoCAD Electrical 2006
- AutoCAD Mechanical 2006
- Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2006
- Autodesk Building Systems 2006
- Autodesk Civil 3D 2006
- Autodesk Land Desktop 2006
- Autodesk Map 3D 2006
- Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 2006
To install this Hotfix, run the executable provided. You can also install this Hotfix with a script that uses the following
- -? [Show usage]
- -s [Install without user interface]
- -u [Uninstall]
- -l <logfile> [Specify a path and name for the log file. By default, the log file is created in the system temp folder.]
Files Patched by this Hotfix
This Hotfix updates the following files:
- AecBase47.dbx
- AecUiBase47.arx
Additionally, this Hotfix updates the following files only if they were installed by the original application:
- AecGuiBase47.arx
- AecArchX47.arx
- AecArchDACH47.arx