® Civil
® 2010 Update 1 Readme
In a continuing effort to provide high quality products, Autodesk has released AutoCAD Civil 2010 Update 1.
To be able to install and use this update you must have AutoCAD Civil 2010 installed on your system.
It is strongly recommended that you read the entire document before you
apply the update to your product. For your reference, save this Readme to your hard drive or print a copy.
This update, Civil2010SP1.exe, is for all versions of AutoCAD Civil 2010 running
on English-language and non-English-language operating systems.
It is recommended that you create a backup of all custom CUI (menu
customization) files before installing the update. These files are located in
the following locations:
Microsoft® Windows® XP: Documents and
Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Autodesk\Civil 2010\enu\Support
Microsoft Windows Vista: <username>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Civil 2010\enu\Support folder
During the installation of this update, you may be prompted for the
original installation media or network image.
- The following benign error message may be displayed when installing this
update on non-English language operating systems, or when the English product
is installed on a non-English locale:
Resource Manager Error: Cannot load resource only DLL: C:\Program
Files\AutoCAD Civil 2010\AecResMgr50enu.dll
This error message may also be displayed when running the AutoCAD Civil
Content Browser feature on certain non-English language operating systems. If
you see this error message, simply click OK and proceed with the update
installation or with using the Content Browser.
Important: You cannot run an automatic uninstall to remove this
update. To restore your version of AutoCAD Civil 2010 to its pre-update
state, uninstall AutoCAD Civil 2010 and reinstall it.
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The Windows command line switches built into this update are as follows:
- Extracts the MSP file from the update executable.
- Extracts a patch list from the update executable.
- Suppresses the completion message after the update is applied. This
is useful if you use a script or batch file to apply the update to multiple
Instructions about how to use these command line switches are included in the
procedures that follow.
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- Download Civil2010SP1.exe and save it to any folder.
- Insert your AutoCAD Civil 2010 media into your media drive.
- Navigate to the folder where you saved the update.
- Double-click the executable file to begin the installation.
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Use this procedure if you want to use Communication Center to apply this
update through your local network.
To apply this update through Communication Center using local patch
list functionality
- On a machine that has AutoCAD Civil 2010 installed, install the
Autodesk CAD Manager Tools. To install the Autodesk CAD Manager Tools, insert
the AutoCAD Civil 2010 product media and select Install Tools and
Utilities. On the Select the Products to Install page, select Autodesk CAD
Manager Tools. Click Next to review and accept the License Agreement, then
click Install to start the installation.
NOTE: The update should not be installed on this machine.
- In a shared location, create a folder where the patches will be downloaded
to (for example, \\servername\shared_folder_location).
- Click Start > Programs > Autodesk > CAD Manager Tools > CAD
Manager Control Utility.
- Select AutoCAD Civil 2010 from the drop-down list and click OK.
- On the InfoCenter tab, under Communication Center Panel, select Enable
Live Updates. From the drop-down list, select Receive Live Updates from Local
- Select Browse and browse to the previously created shared location
(for example, \\servername\shared_folder_location\ ).
- Select Manage Patches. This option allows to connect with the Autodesk servers
where you can download any available patches for your current installation
of AutoCAD Civil 2010.
- Under Manage Patches, the AutoCAD Civil 2010 Service Packs are
listed. Select the update you want to apply. Under Action Type select Add To
Patch Folder and select Update Patch Folder.
- Under details you will see "downloaded to local patch folder on
- Click Close.
In AutoCAD Civil 2010, ensure the Communication Center is configured.
Once it is configured you will see that a Live Update Maintenance Patch is
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The following method of distributing AutoCAD Civil 2010 Update 1
applies only to administrative images created with the AutoCAD Civil 2010
Network Installation wizard. After you complete this procedure, any new
deployments of AutoCAD Civil 2010 will have the update applied to them
To apply AutoCAD Civil 2010 Update 1 to an existing AutoCAD
Civil 2010 administrative image
- On the workstation where you initially created the AutoCAD Civil 2010 deployment, open the Tools
folder and double-click the Create and Modify a Deployment shortcut icon.
- On the Begin Deployment page, select Create a New Deployment Using an Existing Deployment as a Template.
- Specify a new name for the deployment.
- Review and make any changes.
- On the Review - Configure - Create Deployment page, click Configure, review the settings, and make any changes.
- On the Include Service Packs page, select Include Service Pack from and click Download.
- Select the option to append the service packs to the deployment.
- Complete the customizations and click Configuration Complete, and then
click Create Deployment. Now any new deployments of AutoCAD Civil 2010
will have the update applied to them automatically.
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There are no known issues in AutoCAD Civil 2010 Update 1.
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As a result of detailed information from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility, a number of issues in the
following areas were identified and fixed in this update:
- Audit
- Surface
- Survey
- User Interface
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This update includes the resolution of over 60 issues. This section of the readme documents the resolved issues that
previously caused loss of data, unexpected failures of AutoCAD Civil, or reflect a change in functionality.
AutoCAD Civil no longer closes unexpectedly when you insert a layout from a drawing template file.
AutoCAD Civil no longer closes unexpectedly when you open a corrupted drawing using the OPEN or RECOVER command.
AutoCAD Civil no longer closes unexpectedly when you run the LIST command on AutoCAD Land Desktop entities.
When you reopen an AutoCAD Civil drawing that contains an inserted drawing, you no longer lose any Civil objects from that drawing.
Sample lines of an alignment that is a data referenced object no longer disappear when you use the RECOVER command to open the drawing
containing such alignment.
The computational methods for Bi-quadratic, Bloss, and Sinusoidal spirals have been corrected. The updated computational methods will be applied to Bi-quadratic,
Bloss, or Sinusoidal spirals when you open existing drawings.
The German version of AutoCAD Civil 2010 now has the option to create a new alignment when an existing alignment is widened.
The .NET API CodeSetStyleItem::PayItems() method now works as expected.
Styles created using the COM or .NET API now appear in the Toolspace Settings tree without a manual refresh.
Custom subassemblies can now be used from any folder (as was the case with previous releases), instead of
having to be located in the default AutoCAD Civil subassembly location.
Corridor Design and Subassemblies
Corridor sections are now displayed properly when using the corridor section viewer along spirals in the alignment.
AutoCAD Civil now behaves as expected when switching from paper space to model space, and then closing the Corridor Properties dialog box.
Retaining wall subassemblies (such as the RetainVerticalWall subassembly) now behave (draw) as expected when the Top Height
parameter is set to zero, or close to zero.
Cross Section Views
Existing section view band labels are no longer erased when you update a section
view group band set. Previously, if you used the Section View Group Properties > Change Band Set
option to add a new band, the labels in existing bands were removed.
Section view band labels are now appearing in the correct locations after you move or delete bands.
Previously, if you used the Section View Group Properties > Change Band Set option to move bands
up or down or to delete bands, some of the remaining labels would not appear in the correct locations.
Grading and Feature Lines
The transition from a grading group to a surface now works as expected. No spikes in elevation appear at points where
the transition crosses surface triangles.
Enhancements to the duplicate line removal tools and AUDIT/RECOVER tools were added to improve drawing recovery capabilities.
Dynamic offset alignments now correctly maintain their relationship to the parent alignment. Previously deleting
certain sub-entities would remove the dynamic link.
An issue with setting an intersection alignment "Side" parameter on non-English operating systems has been resolved.
Now on all non-English operating systems, when you add widening to an intersection alignment, AutoCAD Civil accepts "left"
when prompted to select the side.
AutoCAD Civil now successfully creates intersections as expected in drawings that contain alignments with coordinate
definitions that are comprised of seven or more digits.
Using multiple argument expressions in labels no longer returns an error message.
Object Enabler
You can now import Civil objects into Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 using the AutoCAD Civil 2010 Object Enabler.
When importing an STM file into a metric drawing, AutoCAD Civil now detects and properly handles the drawing's SI units.
When exporting and then importing an STM file into AutoCAD Civil, the rim elevation and pipe invert values are now calculated
as expected. The values are preserved and no longer change on import.
In pipe-only pipe networks that are displayed in profile views, the ends of the pipes are now displayed properly when the
Clean Up Pipe To Pipe Connections option is selected on the Profile tab of the Pipe Style dialog box.
The ends of the pipes no longer extend beyond the profile view.
Plan Production
Match line labels are now correctly created only on the outside of the match
line in the masked area on sheets. Previously, they were created on both sides
of the match lines.
AutoCAD Civil no longer closes unexpectedly when you view multiple points using the Object Viewer.
Point markers which use multi-view blocks as the symbol now appear correctly in a drawing.
NOTE: A multiview block must be embedded in an AutoCAD block to use it as a point marker.
Profiles and Profile Views
Profile view vertical grid lines are displayed consistently.
In a profile view that is drawn from right to left, the labels in a pipe data band are displayed in the correct locations.
In layout profiles, PVIs may be successfully locked in non-English versions of AutoCAD Civil 2010.
In a profile view that is migrated from AutoCAD Civil 2009 to 2010, labels in horizontal curvature bands honor the original anchor point.
In a profile view that is migrated from AutoCAD Civil 2009 to 2010, schematic lines in horizontal geometry bands honor the original position.
A profile data band is blank if no surface data is available along a profile. Previously, profile data
bands displayed 0.00 for points that had no surface data.
In a profile view that is migrated from AutoCAD Civil 2009 to 2010 and displays multiple profiles, profile data bands honor the original
stationing and labeling.
Horizontal major grid lines are no longer hidden when a small value is used for the horizontal minor grid interval.
Profile data band station labels now display properly if you open an AutoCAD Civil 2009 drawing in AutoCAD Civil 2010.
NOTE: To resolve the profile data band display issue in drawings that were saved in AutoCAD Civil 2010, select the profile view and then
select Edit Properties and click OK.
Project Management
AutoCAD Civil no longer closes unexpectedly when a file is saved to a Vault server with the "Create visualization attachment" option enabled.
Vault can now handle drawing or project folder names that contain the % character.
You can now use Vault Explorer to move DWG files in a Vault project when you are using AutoCAD Civil As AutoCAD.
Layout profiles based on data shortcuts in an AutoCAD Civil 2009 drawing no longer move to different locations when the drawing is opened in AutoCAD
Civil 2010.
Breakline processing during the surface paste operation now works correctly. Both the breakline edges created in the original surface and
the triangle visibility property settings are retained in the target surface.
TIN surfaces created from contour data no longer display points with erroneous elevations.
NOTE: If you have surfaces created from contour data and used the MinimizeSurfaceFlatAreas command in AutoCAD Civil 2010, rebuild those surfaces.
AutoCAD Civil no longer closes unexpectedly when you perform various surface operations, such as adding breaklines, displaying
contour lines, or adding point groups on surfaces that contain points with unknown elevations, and the contour display settings are
turned on.
Deleting the Survey Database folder in Windows Explorer no longer causes AutoCAD Civil to close unexpectedly.
Figure Mapcheck precision values now display correctly. Previously, the Mapcheck command did not recognize changes to
the survey units distance precision and the closure was not accurate.
Importing or re-importing a field book file no longer assigns an Import Event to a figure that was created before the import.
Importing points to a survey database now returns the correct Latitude/Longitude values.
Moving your cursor over a table no longer causes the program to close unexpectedly.
User Interface
Selecting the Google Earth Mesh command from the Insert tab on the ribbon now appropriately launches the Google Earth Mesh command.
Selecting Create COGO Points From Corridor from the ribbon > Home tab > Create Ground Data > Points > Create COGO Points from Corridor
no longer displays the message "AeccCreateCogoPoints Unknown Command". It now launches the Create Points From Corridor command.
AutoCAD Civil no longer closes unexpectedly when you close an active drawing.
The style name specified in the Style dialog box is now displayed correctly in the Toolspace.
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Copyright © 2009 Autodesk, Inc.