------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crosswalk 2013 list of known problems and limitations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Softimage - dotXSI & COLLADA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOFT-1738 - FR - Import a "GameRig" model then export\import as a dotXSI file in Softimage -> Textures\Maps are not right. SOFT-1672 - FR - Import a "GameRig" then export as dotXSI file in Softimage and reimport in Maya -> Animation is not right. SOFT-1682 - PlugFest - SketchUp: Z fighting on every polygon in the 3D view * Workaround: Turn ON backface culling in the “Camera Display / Performance” tab. Display > Display Options (All Camera). SOFT-1681 - PlugFest - Cinema4D: XSI does not like near clip plane of 0 * Workaround: Set the imported camera near clip plane to 0.01 manually. SOFT-1657 - Maya -> Crosswalk -> XSI -> Collada, unexpected material name change SOFT-5896 - Crosswalk 2013 : Softimage created 2D chain does not work for maya in dotXSI SOFT-2658 - Collada does not import material SOFT-5113 - dotXSI / Colladae- Expression : 0 during import SOFT-5061 - Collada export : bone corrupts Softimage - FBX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOFT-1722 - FBX Crash with batched FBX imports SOFT-1676 - FBX export - FBX format can't keep Associated Models to a light SOFT-1692 - FBX - NURBS as envelop fails to export SOFT-1708 - FBX Shared material of objects/polygons in Maya can not import correctly. SOFT-1644 - FBX Importing object with SSS material not working SOFT-1669 - FBX Import | Automatic does not refresh and gives wrong value/scale factor SOFT-1706 - Animatable parameter in Camera don't keep anination after an export(FBX) SOFT-1717 - Envelope deformation is wrong when FBX imported in Softimage (weights are not normalize) SOFT-2142 - FBX exporter dialogue mixes up with previous version data SOFT-2086 - FBX Duplicated image clips problem SOFT-21 - FBX Transparency node should be exported SOFT-2087 - FBX Export with Embed Textures does not work correctly SOFT-2095 - FBX current frame at export is use at base pose SOFT-2093 - OneClick Mudbox to Softimage: Bumpmaps are negative. SOFT-2196 - ICEFlow (Maya) | Light sent from Maya to Softimage appear as hidden inside Softimage. SOFT-2295 - FBX Export U and V texture wrapping for local materials is not correct for texcoord and implicit projection (Texture Editor) SOFT-2286 - FBX Cluster does not keep original name SOFT-2346 - FBX Animation keys don't show up on the timeline after importing FBX SOFT-2333 - FBX Store values for bumpmap factor SOFT-2276 - FBX Support values for Incandescence color and intensity without maps SOFT-2460 - FBX Pivot transform is not exported when you have a neutral pose SOFT-2475 - FBX Additional cluster is created for local material SOFT-961 - Crosswalk - FBX import does not import material / texture for Softimage 2011 SP1 (32 / 64bits) SOFT-5836 - FBX Confusing workflow in Skeleton for Export and Import SOFT-5804 - FBX Zero weight envelope cause a StaticKineState warning message SOFT-5696 - Importing skeleton with option elements as nulls OFF in crosswalk = destroyed set of bones SOFT-5681 - FBX fbx from 123D-Catch will crash SI SOFT-5637 - Crosswalk importer breaks character coming from Maya SOFT-5625 - One Click -" No ICE Tree to return, cancelling operation." when updating from Softimage to 3DS Max SOFT-5578 - FBX maya deformation looks different from softimage fbx import SOFT-5771 - ICE effect couldn't send to maya properly(Linux) SOFT-5494 - FBX Turn internal edge(s) of polygon not working with fbx export, ok with .obj SOFT-5359 - FBX Export 2 times - BindPose Warning. - The following objects do not have a StaticKineState SOFT-5271 - FBX | Image shaders (and UVs) in shared materials are not supported properly SOFT-5253 - OneClick Softimage|Maya - Softimage crashes when sending back a Lagoa Cloth Mesh simulation to Maya. SOFT-4816 - FBX Export and Import "Spaceman.emdl" gives strange results SOFT-4815 - FBX Tangent operator is created on actor import, creates bad display in viewport SOFT-4790 - Import (FBX) a Crowd scene with two Characters sharing the animation sources and one Character will be missing. SOFT-4782 - FBX import/export ignore pivot transformation SOFT-4771 - FBX deselecting "Import skeleton elements as nulls" option cause crash SOFT-4763 - Textures mapped onto nurbs imported incorrectly when importing an FBX file from Softimage to Softimage SOFT-5059 - FBX fail to export BlendShapes properly SOFT-4760 - When importing an FBX, Softimage does not import texture along with shader when it is attached to a nurbs mesh from Maya SOFT-4739 - Export fbx a Crowd Simulation then Import in Maya and the ICE textures and materials will be missing. SOFT-4722 - Softimage doesn't save ApplicationName in FBX 3dsMax - dotXSI --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFT-1674 - Max Interop - Freeze at import when when updating with sub materials on same session as export SOFT-1646 - Incorrect DotXSI Export result with UVW''s W value (from 3Ds Max) SOFT-1238 - Crosswalk - shader names not written correctly to dotXSI file, not imported properly in older versions of Softimage SOFT-2744 - Crosswalk - Material texture is not projected correctly when export dotXSI from Max to Softimage SOFT-5890 - Crosswalk 2013 Max namespace does not work well for dotXSI Maya - dotXSI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOFT-1715 - Imported Maya CrossWalk skeleton has mismatch skeleton colors in the viewport to the weight painting panel SOFT-1281 - Crosswalk Normal imported to Maya is different from Softimage, causing Maya to loose material sometimes SOFT-1645 - Maya® Interop: constraints in Maya® are not well supported at export SOFT-1705 - texture repeats not imported into Maya properly SOFT-1690 - symmetric dupe exports badly to Maya SOFT-1688 - Skin / Envelopes made with "rigid Bind" in Maya are not supported in Crosswalk SOFT-1643 - Maya Interop - Re-link material is not working with cluster materials SOFT-5895 - Crosswalk 2013 Maya not able to export facerobot dotXSI SOFT-5840 - Crosswalk 2013.0 Linux Maya crash on scn file that contains invalid path in material SOFT-5817 - Crosswalk 2013.0 - Maya : Some envelope is not working well when export / import dotXSI SOFT-5807 - Crosswalk 2013.0 - Maya 2013 export / import dotXSI phong looks different