Service Pack 2 - for Autodesk Inventor 2013 (200)
May 9, 2013
Release Notes - Autodesk Inventor 2013 SP2 Readme
Autodesk, Inc.
In a continuing effort to provide high quality products, this Service Pack 2 for Autodesk Inventor 2013 fixes or addresses a
variety of issues. This file highlights how to install the service pack and what has been fixed.
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- SP2(200) installs on Inventor 2013(138) and as updated by SP1(170) and SP1.1(176).
- Install only the bit-type version of Autodesk Inventor 2013 Service Pack 2 that
corresponds to the bit-type version of your installation of Autodesk Inventor 2013.
- For deployed installations append the Service Pack to your existing
deployment image rather than merge it. We suggest this behavior for all service pack releases. Additionally,
update a deployment image on the same bit-type machine as the machine for the final installation from that image.
For more information about Network Deployments, see the Network Administrator's Guide by accessing your
original installation media. In the installer, select Read The Documentation.
- Keep the original installation media or network image readily accessible during installation and uninstallation in case you are prompted for it.
- This Service Pack 2 includes all released hotfixes for Autodesk Inventor 2013, including fixes made within Update1 & Update2, so no prerequisite installations are required.
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- Verify that you have administrator privileges on your local machine to install Autodesk Inventor
2013 Service Pack 2.
- The 32-bit version of Autodesk Inventor 2013 Service Pack 2 is approximately 85.8 MB in size. A
minimum of 1278 MB of free disk space is required on the drive where your temporary files are directed.
- The 64-bit version of Autodesk Inventor 2013 Service Pack 2 is approximately 136 MB in size. A
minimum of 1927 MB of free disk space is required on the drive where your temporary files are directed.
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- Update your operating system before you install Autodesk Inventor 2013 Service Pack 2. Reboot
your system after the updates are installed.
- Download the appropriate version of Autodesk Inventor 2013 Service Pack 2; either the 32-bit
or 64-bit version depending upon your operating system bit type.
- Double click the .msp file to update Autodesk Inventor 2013 with Service Pack 2. A
progress bar displays while the installer updates the files on your system. When done, click Finish.
- If required, reboot the system after installation of the Service Pack 2 is finished.
To verify the success of the installation, start Autodesk Inventor. On the Info Center Help drop-down list, select About Autodesk
Inventor. If the About box displays: Build: 200, Release: 2013 SP2, the installation was successful.
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The installer process sometimes hangs as it waits for operating system file update time-outs. If
the following steps do not enable the process to complete, wait until all of these file updates complete. This
process takes up to 6 hours. To greatly speed up the uninstall process, perform the following steps:
- In your system Control Panel, access Network Connections.
- Disable the local area connection and all network adaptors, including virtual adaptors.
- After the uninstall process is completed successfully, in your system Control Panel, re-enable the local area connection and all network adaptors, including virtual adaptors.
- If required, reboot the system after the uninstallation of the Service Pack 2 is finished.
Please familiarize yourself with an article posted to the Being Inventive Support blog if you plan to include this SP2 within a deployment image of Autodesk Inventor 2013. Microsoft released a hotfix that addresses a known issue that you can potentially encounter.
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Locate Autodesk Inventor 2013 Service Pack 2 here: Inventor Updates
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Issues addressed in Service Pack 1.1 are also addressed in this Service Pack 2.
Cable & Harness
Service Pack 2:
- Cannot import Cable & Harness libraries in Japanese Inventor 2012 SP2.
- When autorouting more than 30 wires at a time, performance is extremely slow.
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Dynamic Simulation
Service Pack 1.1:
- Suppressed forces in legacy simulations from Dynamic Simulation sometimes cause an unexpected exit when you save.
- Mechanism Status dialog box sometimes hangs after you use the Weld Parts command.
- Pop-up warnings sometimes appear while you run a simulation command through the API.
- Inventor hangs when you move the application window that is calling an API command.
- Negative force magnitudes are not honored through API.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you save a simulation in simulation mode, and then return to construction mode.
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Stress Analysis
Service Pack 1.1:
- Part features for a shell no longer display in the browser after you add an assembly feature.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you re-enter the environment with particular weldment assemblies.
- In some cases, extra contacts are detected between geometries in shells.
- Result files embed in the model file after you save them.
- In rare cases, during solving, a message warns that you are running out of memory.
- The Shells folder displays an update icon, even though the shell model updated automatically.
- Min/Max probe labels remain visible in the graphics after you switch off visibility for the shell body.
- In some cases, a midsurface connector is not made automatically.
- In shell element simulations, after promoting configuration and then changing load values, when you update results again, results display as zero.
- In Windows Regional Settings for languages such as English, if you enter a comma for a decimal separator, convergence does not work when using shell elements.
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Service Pack 1.1:
- When you edit an Insert that you created before Core/Cavity, the resulting design view is inferior.
- The chamfer and fillet of a workpiece flips sides when you accept the setting of Define Workpiece dialog box.
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Tube & Pipe
Service Pack 1.1:
- Performance is slow when you update a pipe run.
Service Pack 2:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you click Hose Length command.
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Service Pack 1.1:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you edit Derived Alias surface.
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Service Pack 1.1:
- When you set values in the DrawingSettings API object, it clears the list of "model iProperties to be copied".
- An English template exists in a German build.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you try to get sub-nodes from a missing-part-document browser node.
- The Inventor View Control does not work correctly.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you call Document.SaveAs to publish an Inventor file to a DWF file.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you create a client view by calling the ClientViews.Add method.
- Fail to export custom layers in Flat Pattern sheet.
Service Pack 2:
- SurfaceEvaluator.GetXXX methods get a run-time error.
- Cannot insert AutoCAD DWG into a sketch using the DWG TranslatorAddIn.Open method.
- Other products (such as RADF Viewer) cannot open the SAT file that was generated by DataIO.WriteDataToFile with the ACIS SAT format.
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Assembly Modeling
Service Pack 1.1:
- Units are always cm in a substitute part which is created by create substitutes command.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you add a constraint preview, and then press ESC to dismiss the Constraint command.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when opening some special data.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits after you delete a component with a previous work axis dependency, and then generate iAssembly members.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits in the Grip Snap command when you click Esc after Free Drag.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you switch between design views, and copy a design view to Level of Detail.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you update a part.
- Unable to select surface parts in an assembly.
- Suppressing source part used for associative "Copy Object" causes missing references downstream.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits if you select the mirror plane firstly, and then the components.
Service Pack 2:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits after generating too many iAssembly members in one assembly.
- In Constraint dialog box, when you set a parameter input using Display as an expression, the parameter does not work correctly.
- In the Assembly in-place edit environment, the Redefine Feature command for UCS is disabled.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you in-place edit a subassembly feature.
- When you drive one constraint between components that have an activated Contact set, the performance is worse in R2013 than in R2012.
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Content Center
Service Pack 1.1:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you replace a family template based on some special data.
- After you select the correct material library, in the Content Center, the material of the component does not refresh.
- When you place and refresh content center standard components, incorrect material is assigned.
- During a Content Center update, a Custom library is removed if a corresponding material is missing in the Inventor material library.
- Refreshing Tube & Pipe components fails in AIS 2012.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you refresh a content center file after you modify it.
- Edit with Frame generator fails with unknown error when you work with custom Content Center library & materials.
- Edit Family table in Excel 2013 is supported.
- Connection with Content Center gets lost when you log in with Windows Authentication.
Service Pack 2:
- Custom material disappears after you migrate a Content Center library from 2012 to 2013.
- You cannot place a part from Content Center after you migrate the custom library from 2011 to 2013.
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Direct Manipulation
Service Pack 1.1:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you rotate with a 3D mouse, and then select a face.
Service Pack 2:
- The preview of a workplane that you create with 3D sketch geometry is sometimes incorrect.
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Drawing Manager
Service Pack 1.1:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete a drawing view.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete the drawing sheet.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you add a Vertex or Leader on a leader text.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits if you undo several steps after opening multiple AutoCAD DWG files.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete some particular broken view.
- Cannot add a hole in a Hole table from the Marking Menu.
- Some annotations on a hole thread become sick while you fully migrate a base model and its drawing.
Service Pack 2:
- In a break view, projected geometries are not in the correct position.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you insert a sketch symbol.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you move a sketch symbol after deleting one of the sheets of the drawing.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you open a drawing that was created in R7.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you move cursor, zoom in or zoom out while updating a drawing view.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you drag a hole table from one sheet to another.
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Enhanced Visualization
Service Pack 1.1:
- On some low end machines with XP OS, the graphics window becomes invalid and Inventor unexpectedly exits.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits sometimes when you close Inventor while some files are open.
- Some models have an issue with "graphic slice".
- When you select a part in an assembly, the visible sketch does not highlight.
- Drawing performance is slower with the default Performance hardware setting than with the Compatibility hardware setting.
- Drawing performance regression when you use shaded view style with broken views.
Service Pack 2:
- The shaded style of a Drawing view is not maintained after you click the view or other Drawing views.
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Frame Generator
Service Pack 1.1:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you run the Trim to Frame command.
- Frame generator member part file does not apply the selected material.
Service Pack 2:
- Cannot select a mirrored 3D sketch when you attempt to insert it into frame generator.
- Notch fails in some custom structural shapes.
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Service Pack 2:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you try to select iLogic Copy Design if .NET Framework 4.5 is installed on the machine.
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Service Pack 1.1:
- Material and Appearance updates do not propagate to child documents.
- When a lib file (.adsklib) is locked by Inventor, you cannot check it in and sync to the new version from Vault.
- A legacy style with realistic appearance scale changed has incorrect texture scale after migration.
- Update, Save, and Purge style dialog boxes do not set default library as the active library setting.
- Material Appearance on a part does not update correctly through Styles Update.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you select a top assembly node in the browser while launching a material browser dialog box.
- When you change a material of one subassembly, the material of another subassembly also changes.
- Customer protein library contains duplicate asset name after migration.
- If a custom library contains duplicate material, the library shows incorrect Density on physical iProperties.
- When you migrate colors to 2013, thumbnails do not update.
- A user .xml migrates to the protein library incorrectly.
- Feature color override changes after a rebuild all in derived parts.
- The materials and appearances get lost from the QAT when you click Reset Ribbon.
- BUG ALERT dialog box displays the message "Unload Protein library failed."
- If you create a presentation based on an Assembly, a duplicate appearance occurs.
- If you migrate an Inventor Library that contains a material that is identical to one in the target library, a duplicate material generates.
- The QAT for Material and Appearance does not update when the Browser window is open.
- Appearance texture scaling is incorrect in a section View.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when copying components in an assembly.
- The Inventor materials library does not maintain a newly added category.
- Appearance thumbnails from custom library are all gray.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you double click a material name on a specific library.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you open some specific part files.
- Cannot migrate legacy style when using a non-default location of Design Data and Inventor Material Library.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete appearance and sort in a library.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you migrate a legacy part that contains a deleted Inventor asset.
- In Physical properties, cannot edit the Density field for a specific Display Unit.
- If you click New Appearance, and assign a system image as texture, the Link button becomes enabled.
Service Pack 2:
- The Material or Appearance thumbnail does not update correctly when you import a legacy style.
- The Material or Appearance thumbnail does not update correctly after you change the appearance color in the material or appearance editor.
- If you save an appearance to a library which contains the same assets and select "keep both" to create a duplicated one, you cannot apply it to any object.
- Mass value does not update in the drawing part list when you change material from the quick access tool bar or material browser.
- Appearance in-used can be deleted from appearance browser.
- The thumbnail of a material or appearance is incorrect when you migrate legacy xmls to a new or existing library.
- The material name in the document library changes after you rename the same material in the Autodesk library, Inventor library, or user library.
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Part Modeling
Service Pack 1.1:
- In X64 operating systems, Inventor unexpectedly exits when you change Source for a Link OLE object, and select a file with different file extension.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when treating some sick derived parts in the parent assembly.
- When you place an ipart in an assembly, the body appearance override is not respected.
- On some corrupted files, Inventor unexpectedly exits when you right-click the Solid Bodies folder.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you update a bad dataset with a derived part.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you update the split tool for a coil part.
- Cannot turn off the visibility of a sketch.
- Wrong Unit for Angle with German Language Pack.
Service Pack 2:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you measure an object in a Face Draft preview.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you extract an iFeature.
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Service Pack 1.1:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when editing sheet metal flange.
Service Pack 2:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you create a corner seam in sheet metal.
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Service Pack 1.1:
- An over constrained error message displays when you add a coincident constraint to a 2D block.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you drag a coincident constraint.
- Inventor freezes when you drag a CV spline.
- An unexpected exit sometimes occurs while you trim a closed equation curve or its offset curve.
- Trim/Split command causes an unexpected exit on specific parts.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you right-click a constraint in the 3D sketch for some parts.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you add a coincident constraint for 2 points on a 3D sketch in particular parts.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you edit a 3D sketch on some parts.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you apply a tangent constraint between a control leg of a CV spline and the spline.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you move a sketch.
Service Pack 2:
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you edit the sketch of a sheetmetal feature.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you drag the endpoint of a line in some 2D sketches.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you add a dimension between projected profiles.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you click Edit Pattern in some 2D sketches.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you scale a sketch.
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Task Scheduler
Service Pack 1.1:
- Migration fails for iparts and derived parts.
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Service Pack 1.1:
- Failure to read some .cgr files occurs on import.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits on import of CATIA V5 files with a bad translation report embedded.
- Although you cancel the configure dialog box, the saving .dwf dialog box still displays.
- Cannot extrude a closed profile that constrains a CV spline after importing from AutoCAD.
- When you place a SAT file into an assembly with "Import as a Single Part" turned on, and then save the assembly, the file that Inventor generates from the SAT file does not save to disk.
Service Pack 2:
- Get wrong bounding box when you open an STL file with Template Units in Options dialog box.
- DWF publish time shows nearly 300% regression in SP1.1 compared to Inventor 2013.
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Autodesk Productstream, Autodesk Autoloader, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical,
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trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Portions of this software copyright 1996-2008 Acresso Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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We thank all our customers who identified these issues and reported them to
us. These reports give us the opportunity to improve the product and provide
you with the best solution in mechanical design. We also thank you for your
continued business and for the feedback regarding the content of this update
Autodesk Inventor Product Team
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Copyright © 2013 Autodesk, Inc.