Readme for AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 SDK

The SDK contains libraries, header files, documentation and samples for AutoCAD Mechanical APIs.



ObjectARX can be downloaded from
The ObjectARX include and library directories are specified in “\acadmapi\inc\acadmapi_CommonCfg.vsprop” and “\mcadapi\inc\mcadapi_CommonCfg.vsprop” files for the samples in ACADMAPI and MCADAPI respectively. Rename these directories accordingly if ObjectARX is installed in a different location from SDK.


The MCADAPI is removed, and the libraries and header files for Structure APIs are moved to ACADMAPI. Existing applications using Structure APIs will need to change include and library directories to “ACADMAPI\inc\” and “ACADMAPI\lib-win32\” or “ACADMAPI\lib-x64\”.

Upgrade to Visual Studio 2008 with Service Pack 1

The API libraries are built using Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 and Visual C++® version 9.0. Existing applications will need to be rebuilt using Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 SP1.

ObjectARX API Function Changes

The following ObjectARX virtual functions have been changed to sealed functions, and the corresponding protected functions with “sub” prefix have been added.

These functions in AutoCAD Mechanical API classes have been replaced with the corresponding protected functions with “sub” prefix.

For more details on these changes, please refer to ObjectARX Migration Guide, which can be found in "ObjectARX\docs\arxxmg.chm".

API Function Signature Changes

See the AutoCAD Mechanical C++ API Reference Guide for information on the new default parameter.

Removed API Functions

Known Issues and Limitations

Non-working Database