Autodesk Maya 2014 Release Notes 

Thank you for downloading Autodesk® Maya® 2014.

This document describes known limitations, issues and fixes in Autodesk Maya 2014. It is strongly recommended that you read this document before you install this release. For reference, you should save this readme to your hard drive or print a copy.

For complete instructions about uninstalling and installing this product see: Maya Installation Help

To learn about new features in this release see: What's New in Maya

For complete documentation and resources, see:

For certified hardware, see:

For more Maya Support, see:

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The following list contains bug numbers and corresponding descriptions for issues fixed in this release.

Bug Number Description

MAYA-167 Character sets make setting keys unusably slow.
MAYA-2019 MAnimCurveChange doesn't scale well.
MAYA-3154 Autokey ON: Requires undo twice to undo actual operation.
MAYA-6415 Constraint : Point on poly constraint option box doesn't include maintain offset option.
MAYA-8427 Skinning : "Go to Bind pose" causes error when multiple skeletons are parented to same group.
MAYA-9872 Animation is not transferring in to the base animation layer on a reference(d) scene.
MAYA-10276 Animation Layers are not properly transferring and solving complex non-linear layering between reference scene and parent scene.
MAYA-10546 If joint is duplicated, then parented, then "inverseScale" connection is not made
MAYA-10906 bakePartialHistory : Command fails when the scene does not contain geometry shapes.
MAYA-12752 playblast -options command opens a different (limited) options window.
MAYA-13327 AutoKeyframe conflicts with Rotate Order connections.
MAYA-13467 maya.cmds.deformer('skinCluster1', q=True, deformerTools=True) does not return full name of objects.
MAYA-13743 HIK : Auxiliary effector not affecting the rig during manipulation.
MAYA-13850 Playblast in Quicktime doesn't open in viewer if name contains a .(dot)
MAYA-14040 HIK : Rig is not in sync when baking to control rig (self-bake).
MAYA-14394 Software freeze caused by specific IK workflow.
MAYA-14457 Animation Layers : Animation Layer not returning correct animCurves for camera
MAYA-14511 Paint Skin Weights : Hammer weights cause Maya to crash when a large number of vertices selected.
MAYA-14654 Motion Trails : Don't allow motion trails to be created on objects without keys.
MAYA-14761 Graph Editor : Crash deleting keys with Pre-Select Highlight on if a highlight exists on key frames or tangents.
MAYA-15101 AnimLayers : Merge Animation Layers fails to copy some attributes.
MAYA-15105 AnimLayers : AnimLayer add selected on reference not working.
MAYA-15210 HIK : With Autokey enabled, 2 undos are required to actually undo the move operation on HIK effectors.
MAYA-15260 Typo in performMirrorDeformerWeights.mel.
MAYA-15314 cMuscleSaveWeights mel error when switching the "load by" options in line 658, 663.
MAYA-15670 Maya 2013 skinCluster influences are shown in a different order than in Maya 2012.
MAYA-15974 AnimLayers : Attributes not keyed with the right value after MMB + Drag on TimeSlider.
MAYA-16179 AnimLayers : Rotate order set to incorrect value when added to animLayer.
MAYA-16286 AnimLayers : Performance issue when merging animLayers.
MAYA-16449 Querying lattice points, Maya returns points that don't exist
MAYA-16559 aimConstraint doesn't work properly when parent is scaled.
MAYA-16585 RetimeTool : Undoing retime of animation keys doesn't work (related to selection).
MAYA-16724 Playback is not as fast as expected when all rigs are hidden.
MAYA-16742 Skinning : Deleting a referenced joint removes it as an influence on the skinCluster.
MAYA-17210 Skinning : Skin cluster max influences breaks tools (weight hammer)
MAYA-17377 Painting weights on a non-linear deformer doesn't work if all points in the shape are not included in the set.
MAYA-17970 The “setKeyframe” command will not allow you to set the “value” when trying to set the keyframe on an Animation Layer.
MAYA-17971 AnimLayers : Merging layers is failing silently when there is a constraint.
MAYA-18066 Playblast : Movie player is not launched automatically on Linux.
MAYA-18178 Make HIK scripts not assume joints.
MAYA-18418 Playblast : Movie player cannot open file because the filename is missing an extension.
MAYA-18687 Problem with per-component influence skinning.
MAYA-19570 eulerToQuat and quatToEuler nodes on Attribute Editor are not updated by node connection and setAttr.
MAYA-20001 Skinning : Influence precision is bad when Use Components is turned on in the skinCluster attributes and model is at a small scale.
MAYA-20180 Unlocked influences have distracting icon in Paint Skin Weights tool.
MAYA-20189 Corrupt rig & skin weights can cause a crash when skin weights are updated.
MAYA-20600 Keying a pose with animation layers using middle mouse drag on the timeline not working as expected.
MAYA-22802 AnimLayers : Transform added every time a keyframe is set.
Animation Nonlinear  
MAYA-9783 sequencerCreateShot assumes a modelPanel.
MAYA-13993 Trax : Clip rotate axis is not respected.
MAYA-14333 Sequencer : Can't split shotEnd clip (even though it's selected) after splitting a clip once.
MAYA-16232 Sequencer: Camera sequencer deletes shot node image plane on save when camera is referenced.
MAYA-17020 Sequencer : Image plane playback performance is slow on Linux.
MAYA-18657 Sequencer : Shot node gets into odd state.
MAYA-14751 Maya API: MHwrCallback.h has unsatisfied dependencies.
MAYA-15057 The getApplicationVersionAsFloat() mel function parses `about -v` instead of using `about -apiVersion`.
MAYA-15204 Add _L10N('kKey', 'value') format for Python localization to allow running Python source directly.
MAYA-16524 Loading .ma scene file with array attribute is slow.
MAYA-16744 MPxSurfaceShapeUI::select() gets called when other mesh's components are selected.
MAYA-17160 Custom Transform node not updating matrices for children.
MAYA-19305 loadPlugin fails to find/load plug-in specifically if basename suffix is the same as platform extension.
MAYA-20996 MMutexLock memory leak.
MAYA-15219 Object 'exportMapValueMenu' not found. Artisan tools become corrupt.
MAYA-17133 Locked DAG container allows parenting.
MAYA-9865 Ragdolls created using Bullet shelf/menu do not work as expected.
Cache Representation - Baked Geometry  
MAYA-15284 GPU Cache Alembic files not supporting ambient occlusion in Viewport 2.0.
MAYA-9555 Python documentation is missing from installed Composite.
MAYA-10690 Crashes while caching ncloth objects on Linux.
MAYA-12321 Fluid cache having a 2GB limit.
MAYA-15397 Can't create correct nCloth cache if input mesh has upstream geometry cache.
MAYA-16798 nHair Solver doesn't evaluate a live rest curve in Rest Pose in From Curve mode.
MAYA-21612 nParticle with nCache batch renders particles black.
External Plugins  
MAYA-17370 Export .obj over network is slow on Windows.
MAYA-21408 Crash with (libextensionlayer_dylib - TidleAction - preDoIdleAction).
File Referencing - Reference Edits  
MAYA-3089 exportEdits doesn't work when there is an intermediate unitConversion node.
MAYA-3287 Default setting for Load Settings of references should be "Load saved reference load state", and not "Load all references".
MAYA-7281 Memory usage increases when loading and unloading references.
MAYA-8898 Referencing a file that contains nested referenced files and a global render layer crashes Maya.
MAYA-10182 importing a reference can crash Maya.
MAYA-12163 File is still dirty after it has been saved (possibly due to temporary reference namespace).
MAYA-15297 Crash when performing a Remove Reference.
MAYA-16547 Loading reference crashes Maya 2013 - NULL reference passed into TrefConnectAttrEdit::initialize() crashing Maya.
MAYA-18148 File > Open: reference fails with 'unknown file type' if plug-in describing file type is not loaded.
MAYA-21410 kAfterLoadReferenceAndRecordEdits callback performance issue.
FileIO Maya  
MAYA-3088 Remove mayaBinary file size limitation (2 GBytes), support larger file size.
MAYA-9540 addAttr category not saved on file save.
MAYA-10314 "Object 'EEexprNameT' not found" error returned when opening a scene containing an expression with the Expression Editor closed.
MAYA-13547 Fixed crash occurring from opening a Maya file that was created from an exported (binary) file.
MAYA-15099 Crash with export selection.
MAYA-15754 Fixed crash that occurred after exporting a scene containing a motion path and then invoking File > New. 
MAYA-16331 Backslashes are duplicated upon each save/load on Maya Binary files.
MAYA-16680 Prompt for 'Save' upon Maya exit, even if file is already saved.
MAYA-17044 Manipulator caused "save on exit".
MAYA-19363 Unloading reference node may cause Maya crash.
MAYA-19566 File I/O: exportAsReference omits 'requires' lines from file.
MAYA-19803 Crashes during batch save.
MAYA-20393 Extrude manipulator causes "save on exit".
MAYA-20810 Maya 2013.5 crash on scene file load with MAYA_ASCII_ENABLE_BULK_PARSING=1.
MAYA-3037 "Grid" coordinate method for Fluid with "Auto Resize" enabled loses texture detail.
MAYA-13430 Maya crashes when opening the Hypershade (fluidsVelocityShape).
MAYA-14319 Fluids with color grid get black emission from colliding objects.
MAYA-14866 When creating nodes of type MPxFluidEmitter using setInternalValueInContext, nothing is triggered when internal attribute is set.
MAYA-15301 Filling a volume with fluid when emitting from a surface.
MAYA-10156 jumpToElement slow.
MAYA-10255 Maya 2013: dgdirty crash.
MAYA-15142 ChannelBox "Duplicate Values" limited to work with only 1 object.
MAYA-15271 dgInfo does not provide enough information about connections.
MAYA-16737 Crash with (libextensionlayer_dylib - TeventHandler - doIdles).
MAYA-17615 getAttr -t returns wrong value.
MAYA-11428 HIK : Offset on Hips effector will offset other body parts on manip
MAYA-11775 HIK : Missing Hand and Foot keying groups in Maya.
MAYA-14031 HIK : Multiple cycle warnings appear when merging animation layers.
MAYA-15951 HIK : RMB crash in Characterization Tool/Name Match widget on Win64.
MAYA-16865 HIK : Merging animLayers change the anim curves to linear interpolation.
MAYA-16942 HIK : Aux/Pivot effectors are not added to AnimLayer properly
MAYA-17369 HIK : Issue when adding a single HIK effector on a new animLayer.
MAYA-18839 HIK : Can't get back to original pose after moving Hips effector.
MAYA-18902 HIK : Character seems to break when unlocking the character and relocking
MAYA-21434 HIK: Custom rig retargeting erroring constantly on retarget
mental ray  
MAYA-736 Error: No object matches name: mentalrayGlobals.imageCompression
MAYA-3069 Never ending render with IncidenceLN pass and mia_material_X_passes with Cutout Opacity
MAYA-3160 mia_material_x drop their connections made to the result attribute when opened from previous versions.
MAYA-6026 Maya 2013 fails to render when using projection along with mental ray sun and sky system (2012 crash)
MAYA-7529 mentalray rendering changing topo Alembic cache data with motionblur crashes Maya2012SAP
MAYA-10582 Importons checkbox cannot be re-enabled (Render Settings UI)
MAYA-12239 MAYA_EXR_LONGNAME doesn't work in Maya.env and does not respect 0 as a value
MAYA-12578 Disabling "Filtering" in Camera Depth render pass causes Maya to crash
MAYA-13113 MR needs to support normal mapping and displacement with floating point ptex maps
MAYA-15585 mental ray batch render crashes in processing (Motion blur crash - Maya exited with status -1073741819 )
MAYA-16275 Maya file with particular line crashes with locknode
MAYA-16551 adskFrameBufferState doesn't correctly export data "cameraShape:fbdata"
MAYA-16881 mip motionblur crash maya 2013
MAYA-18496 mental ray crashes if TIFF files have multiple alpha channels
MAYA-19739 Maya 2013 SP2 crashes on linux in Mental Ray final gather on computers with more than 256GB RAM
MAYA-20537 Changing quality preset for mental ray crashes application
Meta Data  
MAYA-19376 hasMetadata doesn't work when using the -scene flag
MAYA-1515 Undoing "Insert edge loop" causes edges to be left selected even in object mode
MAYA-9625 polyCollapseEdge can corrupt a mesh and lead to a crash in non-manifold meshes
MAYA-11138 Crashes when changing viewport from 1 up to 4 up.
MAYA-11421 undo/redo of some poly ops (polySmooth, polySplitRing, polyExtrudeFacet, duplicate) with no intermediate eval commands results in different objectSet membership
MAYA-12603 polyMirrorFace and polyChipOff actions do not propagate objectSet membership for edges and verts as expected
MAYA-13962 Review non-native CreaseSet backend emulation in the to make more robust or remove
MAYA-14690 Poly reduce | Crash when set Mesh borders to 1 on objects with holes
MAYA-14763 polyChipOff & keepFacesTogether when set to False = crash
MAYA-14958 MFnMesh.generateSmoothMesh() produces NANs, request to have warning produced
MAYA-15561 Vertex Color display automatically turned on even when "Convert Display" setting is off
MAYA-15594 crash when Moving UV shells
MAYA-15956 UV set editor not displaying all uv sets in certain situations when there are intermediate mesh objects
MAYA-16267 UV set editor not displaying all uv sets in certain situations when there are intermediate mesh objects
MAYA-16736 Crash with UV editing (libpolyuislice_dylib - TtexMoveContext - doDrag)
MAYA-16833 All polygon faces are selected by undo inserting edge loop on smoothed mesh
MAYA-17156 open and close UV editor causes crash
MAYA-17311 Mesh data passed through connection causes issue on first vertex edit
MAYA-17794 missing manipulator options for the extrude tool
MAYA-18018 Display of high surface precision NURBS Geo is incorrect in VP1
MAYA-19652 CreaseSetEditor "Add" action drops all crease membership if item already in target creaseSet
MAYA-19713 art3dPaintCtx changes texture filename whenever switching to the context
MAYA-19858 CSE spitting out non-fatal warning/error messages to stdout when running creaseSetEditorTest
MAYA-19920 Extending art3dPaint to allow for painting on custom attributes and preserving destination texture paths
MAYA-20457 Crease edge display does not respect "Isolate Select"
MAYA-20698 'Deselect" from context sensitive marking menu don't work
MAYA-21356 HUD: Poly Count: crash when deleting history on mesh in smooth mesh preview
MAYA-21816 Adjusting edges causes tweaked normals.
MAYA-22199 creaseSetEditor's MayaUndoChunk class example is broken
mental ray standalone  
MAYA-1645 mental ray standalone "ray" hangs and does not abort when it can't get a license on lnx and mac
Multiple Representation   
MAYA-16243 Scene Assembly nodes lose the asset icon when duplicated
MAYA-19123 Geometry to Bounding Box creates an oversized bbox when the object is rotated
MAYA-9040 nCloth Weld Adjacent Border tearing due to collision.
MAYA-13120 crash while caching with ncloth
MAYA-15437 nCloth out-of-range bend angle dropoff crash
MAYA-19246 nCloth input attract locking does not work properly with damping
MAYA-10684 point to surface constraint is not stable for hair on cloth
MAYA-11547 Nucleus transform causes problem for bend on some hairs
MAYA-14203 playback and creation performance for nHair performace with output curves has deteriorated
MAYA-15103 Convert selection -> start curve end CV's menu item not working
MAYA-6484 Maya on Linux Crashes at the End of a Sim
MAYA-13119 Random simulation crashes - Moving the mouse cursor out then back causes a crash.
MAYA-13909 nCloth - input attract not respecting collisions
MAYA-15881 nCloth Input Attract gives unexpected results running at speed with weights less than 1
MAYA-19124 Mixed up public/private access specifiers in MnObject
MAYA-11273 Color Chooser eyedropper is not functioning with external pointing device on Mac OS
MAYA-17962 Mac OS: Selecting Cancel in save prompt dialog for closing Maya closes Maya anyway
MAYA-20694 Create Text with default Courier font fails. Missing Courier font on Linux.
MAYA-1367 Setting camera visiblity when looking through it causes other image planes to disappear
MAYA-1859 MR: materials render on different parts of the mesh to those they appear assigned to (per face shading)
MAYA-6070 Imageplanes: setting the Film roll on the camera breaks alpha gain on connected imageplane
MAYA-9490 Maya fails to provide up-to-date geometry to custom renderer
MAYA-10482 Convert to File Texture: color's wrong on Linux
MAYA-10644 Objects appear black when scaled with a negative value with "use default material" option in VP2
MAYA-11646 copying a hlsl shader using duplicate appends _1 to the attribute names of the shader
MAYA-12174 opening a tif file which has multiple alpha channels crashes Maya (when it tries to create a thumbnail)
MAYA-13177 MGeometryExtractor didn't get implemented completely to support second UV sets
MAYA-13203 Adding render pass when Hypershade or Node Editor is opened 100% Maya2013 crashes.
MAYA-13331 Plugin will lose set parameter values when recovering from a lost device / shader reload
MAYA-13789 Painting on textured object leads to crash ((JasperSlice.dll) in maya.exe: 0xC0000094: Integer division by zero)
MAYA-14135 make the wireframe visible during interactive object creation, like it is in a regular viewport, and I would like to know if it is possible
MAYA-14364 The image plane isn't updated properly in Viewport 2.0 if camera parameters are changed
MAYA-14414 Substance Attribute Editor in 2013 is broken at loading scene from 2012
MAYA-14636 hw2 (Viewport 2.0) renderer can't be specified with
MAYA-16077 "Transfer Maps" with hardware renderer
MAYA-16725 when shading is set to "use default material" xray does not work
MAYA-17037 Skinning : Crash reopening scene file after binding skin.
MAYA-17081 wireframe object is always drawn in the back of imageplane
MAYA-17161 Memory leak in sample plugin "viewRenderOverride"
MAYA-17275 Error in Python command "hyperShade" examples
MAYA-17877 Escalation: Crash with 2k stereopanel offscreen playblast
MAYA-17888 GPU Texture Ram Exceeded - memory leak
MAYA-17954 Investigate Capcom VDM issue
MAYA-17976 Light Linking behaviour with mental ray IBL Light changed in 2013.5
MAYA-18483 HLSL / DX11shader paths are always baked to absolute paths, even when originally relative
MAYA-18660 Imageplane stays hidden with show menu
MAYA-18671 setting camera image plane changes visibility of camera hierarchy
MAYA-18702 clipping planes ignored by mental ray
MAYA-18706 error when renaming imagePlanes or disconnected imagePlanes
MAYA-18838 dx11Shader plugin : "COLOR0" Semantics Initial value
MAYA-18933 Maya2013 ext - Mudbox2013 = Textures don´t show up in VP2.0
MAYA-18977 Mia_MatX Roughness breaking renderpass and contribution maps
MAYA-19218 Material information lost after Hypershade Delete Unused Nodes
MAYA-19544 File with referenced scene that contains CGFX shaders crashes
MAYA-19578 EXR textures used in the DX11shader are being corrupted
MAYA-20236 headsUpMessage disappears based on camera near clip-plane
MAYA-20408 Mac only: error on load of EXR files with File Texture node, does not display in swatch or viewport, VP2
MAYA-20529 VP2 active poly object turns green when extracting faces
MAYA-20663 batch render crashing on attempting to autoload turtle plugin
MAYA-20882 Wrong setting in project file of cgfx shader under devkit plug-ins directory
MAYA-21282 Maya crashes in wireframe mode in HQ or VP2 with empty or zero-area Nurbs Planer nodes displayed
MAYA-21360 crash with rendering (libdependengine_dylib - TattributeFloat - copyValue)
MAYA-21814 hlslShader attribute shader parameter name issues
MAYA-21956 Loading unregistered fragment through fragment manager crashes
MAYA-22288 TURTLE saves corrupt TGA file when baking
Scripting Python  
MAYA-15718 PyQt can cause Maya to crash
MAYA-16254 mel memory command returns inconsistant results
MAYA-16822 SCRIPTING: Maya crashes when combination of code is executed by executeDeferred.
MAYA-18903 _NOL10N( 'myval' ) indentation issues and code compile failure if starts a new line
MAYA-19119 Crash on file command querying a blank location
MAYA-20484 Mac - OS X - Maya crash with python Lib - deeXVrayFast
MAYA-21364 a problem occurs in
MAYA-22242 TURTLE render crashes on Mac only (texture baking + GI)
UI Architecture  
MAYA-1204 Rotate, Move and Scale tool actions with MMB are interrupted when holding and releasing hotkeys
MAYA-14864 Querying the objectTypeUI 'listAll' argument is broken in Maya 2013
MAYA-19371 Maya CER with default settings reports too much info
MAYA-21409 Crash when exiting Maya on idle with modal CIP dialog still open
UI Attribute Editor  
MAYA-1232 Hidden dynamic controls in the Attribute Editor take up unnecessary space
MAYA-15181 Children of compound attributes are sometimes named incorrectly
UI General  
MAYA-124 Display layer with the same name as a shelf will destroy that shelf
MAYA-11089 Ctrl + Spacebar (to hide UI elements) not behaving correctly after Maya is restarted
MAYA-13227 Framing zoom levels not consistent when changing units
MAYA-13415 "Performance Settings" window doesn't remember position after closing it with the "Close" button
MAYA-14455 SetFocusToNumericInputLine hotkey setting doesn't work at all
MAYA-14637 Pressing the "Camera Attributes" button changes your current selection to the camera.
MAYA-14923 menuItem annotation is not supported in optionMenuGrp/optionMenu
MAYA-16484 QTableView clicked() causing Maya2013 to crash
MAYA-20292 Need option to prevent hotkeys from giving focus to panels under the current window in focus
MAYA-21240 ToolClip offset distance is too small
MAYA-1096 Undo in the Script Editor no longer works with the Clear History function
MAYA-8418 modelEditor stateString query returns unsupported flag
MAYA-16156 snapping/framing in UV editor is incorrect if Use Image Ratio is on
MAYA-18342 Hypergraph: In Hierarchy mode, reorder by Ctrl+MMB fails
UI Node Editor  
MAYA-472 Node Editor: Node names should be fully legible at reasonable zoom levels
MAYA-491 Node Editor: inMesh attribute not displayed in mesh node's input superport menu
MAYA-11416 Nodes in Node Editor are over-scaled when duplicated.
MAYA-13413 Node Editor: Tweak node doesn't work properly in full mode (show primary attributes)
MAYA-14708 Node Editor - Merged connections don't display properly when the multi-attribute is partially expanded
MAYA-15463 Node Editor: Fix layout inconsistencies when regraphing the same objects
MAYA-19232 Node Editor filter field issue with attribute names
MAYA-21159 Node Editor is outputting Statistics to the Window all the time
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The following section describes limitations, workarounds (where applicable) about this release.
Bug Number Description
MAYA-21556 Grease Pencil : Does not work when camera is parented to an animated object.

Workaround : Use a parent constraint to constrain the camera to the animated object.
MAYA-21948 Grease Pencil : Scaling frames on the time slider does not respect "snapping" time slider preferences.
MAYA-22330 Live Connection sometimes fail between Maya and Motion Builder.

Workaround : After MotionBuilder starts and shows “Connected to Maya”, there is a small “Update” button beside the “Connected to Maya” status. Click on “Update” and then retry ”Live Connection” from Maya. 
MAYA-22784 Mirror Skin Weights on selected components produces incorrect results.
MAYA-11720 Update Maya Library to run as a process

Previously, in FaceRobot, each library referring to files (Stage 1 (Assemble): Heads, Parts, Actor, Custom and Type; Stage 5 (Act): Motion and Pose) only supported one path at a time. This has been modified to support many paths by storing the previous paths in a drop down menu. Selecting a new library path now stores it in the drop down menu for easy access later on when jumping from one library path to another.
MAYA-18039 MUiMessage::MStringFunction has been removed as it was a duplicate of MMessage::MStringFunction. Any plug-ins using the former must be changed to use the latter instead.
MAYA-16207 Support down casting for user created classes

Currently Maya supports the type cast inside the inheritance hierarchy of MPx based objects; each of such class has a static member function named CastFromIntPtr.
MAYA-16212 There are no mechanics to release resources

All the MPx based objects in C# are referenced by their C++ MPx object counterpart. These objects will be disposed by the garbage collection mechanism as common C# objects.
MAYA-17133 Locked DAG container allows parenting

Old behavior: If a dagContainer (itself) is locked, the user can still parent another unlocked dag node under this dagContainer.

New behavior: If a dagContainer (itself) is locked, the user can NOT parent another unlocked dag node under this dagContainer.

For any other dag node that is not a dagContainer, parenting any other unlocked dag node under it is still permitted.
MAYA-22303 When parenting an object into a Scene Assembly containing an asset, the object is parented, but disappears in the (Outliner) hierarchy.
MAYA-6185  Bullet acceleration has no effect on Rigid Bodies.
Cache Representation - Baked Geometry  
MAYA-22558 The gpuCache plug-in in the devkit does not compile.

Workaround: Define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN macro in Visual Studio project settings.
MAYA-22579 GPU memory of Quadro 4000 on Mac is detected as -2048 by gpuCache, and then the Maximum VRAM for gpuCache is set as 0 by default.

You must manually set the "Maximum VRAM for All Cache Buffers". Do not use the default setting; otherwise the playback performance of the gpuCache will not be optimal because it doesn't use GPU memory at all.
MAYA-22607 DirectConnect not supported on Mac OS X 10.6.8

Workaround: Upgrade to Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.7), or higher.
MatchMover documentation not updated

Workaround: Find updated documentation for MatchMover online:
Composite documentation not updated

Workaround: Find updated documentation for Composite online:
MAYA-3088 The mayaBinary file size limitation (2 GBytes) has been removed to support a larger file size.

Maya now writes Maya binary files with a new IFF format. The chunk size is 64-bit. The new format is not compatible with the old IFF format where the chunk size is 32-bit. Older releases of Maya cannot open these new new binary files.
MAYA-18148 File > Open: reference fails with an 'unknown file type' error if the plug-in describing the file type is not loaded.

Workaround: A user can force a plug-in to autoload by modifying the pluginPrefs.mel file.


When using the Autodesk uninstall tool with the Maya package, if you choose to uninstall a program other than Maya, a warning appears and you are unable to uninstall. The same occurs for Composite and MatchMover.
Workaround: Use Add/Remove programs instead.

Plug-in assembly load error occurs when using the 'send to' options from the Ultimate Suite

The 'send to' options from the Ultimate Suite throws an error on Windows 8 when using Maya to Max/Mudbox to Max


1.    Start Max first before selecting “Send to 3ds Max”.

2.    Do not call the Windows function SetDllDirectory() during Maya's startup.

Setting the environment variable MAYA_PRIVATE_DLL_PATH to a value that is really long; that is, one that is greater than the Windows MAXPATH (512 characters), forces the effective path to be NULL. The call to SetDllDirectory will not be made. This needs to be set before Maya is run, and cannot be added to the Maya.env file for it to be recognized. (Set the environment variable instead using other methods such as: from the command window before launching Maya, via launching Maya from a batch file, or from My Computer > Properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.)

MAYA-1436 Localized default file name causes crash when one-click function is used to send file to other software.
MAYA-18046 "Ctrl+Space" conflicts with the default hotkey used for changing input method.

Workaround: If you are running Maya in a Simplified Chinese environment, switch between the standard view and full-screen view of the current panels by using the Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar hotkey.


There are some broken Help links under toolclips and context help

If you run Maya with a Japanese or Chinese interface and then access the context sensitive help, and your Help Location is set to "Autodesk Web Site" (the default option) under Windows > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Interface > Help , Maya automatically directs you to the localized version of the Maya help on

If you access the context sensitive help or links from toolclips before the localized version of the Maya help is available, you will obtain a 'page not found' error.

To work around this issue, you can reset your link to the Maya 2013 version of the localized Maya help.

To do so, select Windows > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Interface > Help > Help Location > Custom and set the following as your custom path:

For Simplified Chinese:

For Japanese:

When the localized versions of the Maya 2014 online help become available, you can reset this preference to "Autodesk Web Site".

However, this workaround is only applicable to UI that existed in Maya 2013 or below. For UI that is new or updated, you can either refer to the English version of the Maya 2014 help on or wait until the localized version of the Maya 2014 help is available.


Cannot change File Textures "Attribute to paint" list for 3D Paint Tool in Simplified Chinese and Japanese UI mode


If you are using a Japanese or Simplified Chinese version of Maya, and you right-click the object and select Paint > 3D Paint, you will not be able to use the 'Attribute to paint' drop-down list under the File Textures section of the 3D Paint tool settings.


To workaround this problem, remove the following resource file:

Windows 64-Bit

Japanese: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\resources\l10n\ja_JP\scripts\

Simplified Chinese: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\resources\l10n\zh_CN\scripts\


Mac OS

Japanese: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2014/

Simplified Chinese: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2014/

MAYA-22637 HIK Control loads plug-in language resource file many times in Japanese mode

When using Maya in Japanese or Simplified Chinese, if you try to use the Character Controls and click the Control tab, Maya attempts to load a plug-in language resource file multiple times and Maya slows down as a result.


1. Comment out loadPluginLanguageResources in mayaHIKInitStrings.mel

By default, the file is installed in following path;
Windows: c:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\scripts\others\mayaHIKInitStrings.mel
MacOSX: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2014/

Comment out line 32 as below:
loadPluginLanguageResources( "mayaHIK", "mayaHIK.pres.mel");
// loadPluginLanguageResources( "mayaHIK", "mayaHIK.pres.mel");

2. Run the following command manually in the Script Editor before using HIK to initialize the HIK plug-in resource for Japanese and Simplified Chinese UI:

loadPluginLanguageResources( "mayaHIK", "mayaHIK.pres.mel");

Most of the HIK UI appears localized, except for the effector context menu that appears in English.

An alternative workaround is to use Maya in English in a Japanese/Simplified Chinese Windows environment by running Maya with MAYA_UI_LANGUAGE=en_US.
mental ray  
MAYA-22357 Unified Sampling is enabled unexpectedly when bringing legacy scenes into 2014

In Maya 2014, if you open a scene from a previous version of Maya that renders using the mental ray for Maya renderer, your sampling settings are changed to use Unified Sampling. Some features, such as contour rendering, are not supported with Unified Sampling.
To render such scenes with their previously-saved legacy sampling settings, choose Legacy Sampling Mode in the mental ray Render Settings, Quality tab. The commands: setAttr "miDefaultOptions.miRenderUsing" 2; (Standard Legacy Mode) and setAttr "miDefaultOptions.miRenderUsing" 1; (Legacy Rasterizer mode) can also be used to revert to legacy sampling. New Presets are also available for Unified Sampling in the main Render Settings Presets menu, including: Preview, Production, FinalFrameEXR.
mental ray standalone  
MAYA-22487 mr standalone 2014 error: call to undeclared function "misss_fast_lmap_maya"

When rendering with mental ray Standalone 2014, if the following error appears during rendering: "call to undeclared function "misss_fast_lmap_maya", the "subsurface.mi" file from mentalrayFromMaya2014 (Maya 2014) can be copied into the mental ray Standalone 2014 installation, replacing the installed "subsurface.mi" file.


Instability when undoing quad draw on combined mesh

Maya can become unstable when using Quad Draw on combined meshes (that is, selecting multiple surfaces and choosing Mesh > Combine).  To improve stability, delete history on combined meshes before enabling Quad Draw.
MAYA-22162 Modeling Toolkit: Mesh Editing tools do not stay active upon file save

Modeling Toolkit tools (including mesh editing tools like Quad Draw, Multi-Cut, and so forth) are deactivated after saving a scene.  It is therefore recommended to disable auto-save while working with the Modeling Toolkit.

Multiple Representation  
MAYA-19686 Scene Assembly does not support File Referencing.
MAYA-21565 Manipulator handles on the active tool (Move, Rotate, Scale) are longer visible after Assembly representations switch.
Workaround: Reselect the tool.
MAYA-21592 Opening the Namespace Editor in scenes with large assembly reference hierarchies causes Maya to freeze. 
MAYA-22052 Cannot use Custom Scene Assembly render settings to render GPU Cache representations in Viewport 2.0 when the Background Reading GPU Cache preference is on.

Workaround: Turn off Background Reading in the GPU Cache Preferences.
MAYA-22055 Using the Python() MEL command with MFnAssembly methods may crash Maya.
MAYA-22088 Undo does not remove applied Scene Assembly edits.
Workaround: Use Remove Selected Edits in the List Assembly Edits window.
MAYA-22188 Scene Assembly does not support Animated sweep.
MAYA-22189 Scene Assembly does not support Animated Snapshot. 
MAYA-22191 Scene Assembly does not support motion path animation. 
MAYA-22222, MAYA-22446 Scene Assembly does not fully support set driven key data.
MAYA-22361 Scene Assembly does not support Character sets.
MAYA-22410 Deleting animation curves connected to assembly reference nodes or members may produce incorrect edits.


Hierarchical instantiated objects sharing shape nodes corrupt shading when 'duplicate special with graph' is performed on root.


Select all geometric objects in workspace, then run Modify > Convert > Instance to Object, and then duplicate w/ input graph.


Perform duplicate with input connections.

MAYA-11993 Incorrect coloring on wireframes for some ghosts

There is a difference between Viewport 2.0 and the default and high quality viewports - the rendering order in Viewport 2.0 is not the same as the old workspaces, and objects that are exactly the same may draw in a different order and may be drawn on top of another object. Animation layer ghosting is a common place for this to happen.
MAYA-14916 Marquee selection in UV Editor and Default viewport causes cascading artifacts with ATI Radeon 7970.

Workaround: Use driver # 8.980.0.0 from June 2012.


Default viewport only: Shading is incorrect after trimming an animation clip.

Workaround:Move the time cursor to refresh the shading.

MAYA-18481 The interfaces MPxVertexBufferGenerator and MPxVertexBufferMutator have changed, and plug-in writers who have implemented those interfaces must update their plug-in to the new interface.


"Default Texture Data" feature seems broken for plug-in hardware shaders (HLSL, CGFX, DX11).

MAYA-18501 Failure to switch between Viewport 2.0 and its render override, such as "viewRenderOverride", when running maqueeTool, which supports MUIDrawManager.

When running the scene view in overlay render mode, you may not be able to override your renderer.

For example, when running the marqueeTool from the devkit, when the marqueeTool plug-in is executed, you enter into overlay render mode. If you then try to override your renderer (by switching to a custom renderer via the Renderer menu), the heads up display still indicate Viewport 2.0 even though the custom renderer radio button is selected.

To work around this issue, refresh the scene view by tumbling the camera.
MAYA-18577 The interface to MPxPrimitiveGenerator has changed and plug-in developers must update their plug-ins to the new interface.

MAYA-20976 When running DirectX11 mode in Viewport 2.0, it is possible that the hardware device cannot be instantiated.
In this case, the WARP software rasterizer (*) is used instead. The use of WARP is indicated in the output window when the renderer is first used.
In addition, the heads-up display, which indicates the current renderer, also indicates that WARP is being used.

(*) WARP = Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform. Refer to the documentation from Microsoft for more details.

Note that WARP may not support the full set of features that a hardware rasterizer supports. This is more noticeable with the Windows 7 platform than with the Windows 8 platform.

WARP is currently not a qualified configuration.

You can also set the environment variable MAYA_FORCE_DX_WARP to 1 in order to always use the WARP software rasterizer.
MAYA-21640 Loading legacy 2013 Ext1/2 scenes that use MayaUberShader.fxo get shaders reset 2014

In Extension 1 and Extension 2 for Maya 2013, Maya used UI names instead of shader variable names for the attribute names of HLSL shaders (for use with DX11 in Viewport 2.0).
This is different from the behavior of other software such as 3ds Max, and therefore you may not be able to export your Maya file using FBX for use with 3ds Max.
This affects both your custom HLSL shaders and the MayaUberShader.fx/.fxo shaders provided by Maya.

In Maya 2014, Maya now uses shader variable names for attribute names for HLSL shaders.

If you attempt to use the MayaUberShader.fx or .fxo shaders from Extension 1/2 for Maya 2013 in Maya 2014, your attributes are automatically converted to use shader variable names; however, your shader settings will be lost and all values are reset to default.

To workaround this problem, add the following annotation to your shader technique:
bool VariableNameAsAttributeName = false;

As an alternative, you can also substitute your dx11Shader file with the version of MayaUberShader.fx/.fxo that is shipped with Maya 2014 to regain the shader attribute values.

It is recommended that you use the AutodeskUberShader.fx/.fxo files provided with Maya 2014 for new projects.


If your motion blur has no effect when an image plane is immediately behind a moving object, you can workaround this issue by setting the MAYA_VP2_OFF_NON_PE_FRAGMENT environment variable to 1. Setting this environment variable allows the image plane to be included in the calculations of all scene post effects, such as screen space ambient occlusion, depth of field and motion blur.


Marquee box and lasso lines do not display in Viewport 2.0 when ATI card is used on Mac OS X when "Line Anti-aliasing" is turned on.

Workaround: Turn off Line Anti-aliasing in the Hardware Renderer 2.0 Settings window.

Rendering in Viewport 2.0: GPU Instancing

Instances of plug-in shapes using MpxGeometryOverride may display incorrectly if they attempt to draw some instances differently than others by adding custom user render items, or using MRenderItem::enable(bool) to disable Maya render items.
There may be some lighting errors on instanced objects with non-uniform scales or materials with bump maps.
With AMD video cards in OpenGL mode, instanced objects with textures (in certain scenes) may randomly lose their textures.  Untextured mode still works correctly with GPU Instancing.  DirectX 11 mode on AMD video cards in Windows works correctly with textures.
Instanced objects with CPV-per-instance or UV-per-instance may display incorrectly.
GPU Instancing is not available on the Mac OS X platform
Instanced objects may not draw correctly when the Transparency Algorithm is set to Depth Peeling.

MAYA-16254, MAYA-17613 The behaviour of Maya's 'memory' command has been made more consistent. A side effect is that any script or plug-in that uses the command must be modified as follows:

1) Numeric results used to be returned in an array containing a single int or float value. Now they are returned as just int or float values, without the array. Therefore, code like this:

int $swaps[] = `memory -swaps`;

must be changed to this:

int $swaps = `memory -swaps`;

2) The -heapMemory/-he, -freeMemory/-fr and -physicalMemory/-phy flags used to ignore the unit flags (e.g. -kiloByte) and always return their results in megabytes. Now they obey the unit flags, and if none are specified, they return their results in bytes like the other memory flags. These three flags also used to return their values as floats. Now they return their values as ints like the other memory flags. To get results as floats, the new -asFloat/-af flag must be used. So code like this:

float $free[] = `memory -freeMemory`;

must be changed to this:

float $free = `memory -freeMemory -megaByte -asFloat`;
MAYA-17358 When scripting in Python, the function "os.path.expanduser()" returns different results when called from the GUI than from the command line (on Windows).

There are two workarounds:

1) Initialize the Maya environment within mayapy.

import maya.standalone

Now os.path.expanduser() returns the same value in mayapy as it does in Maya.

2) Set the HOME environment variable before starting up Maya. The value that it is set to is used by by os.path.expanduser() in both Maya and mayapy.
UI Architecture  
MAYA-19371 Maya CER now does not disclose the scene path/file name by default.

The default behaviour now is to not disclose the scene path/file name.
Set environment variable MAYA_CER_INCLUDE_SCENE_NAME as follows to specify the behavior you prefer:

0 (default) - scene name is listed as undisclosed
1 - include only the file name
2 - include the full path/file name
UI General  
MAYA-20637 The Maya file browser cannot open files with filenames that contain the characters "[" and "]".
To workaround this issue, use the OS native file browser. Select this option from the Preferences Window.
MAYA-12034 QT Crash - when clicking Attribute Editor navigation button

1. Add -ss (-skipSelect) flags to the shadingNode commands that create the new texture placement and file texture nodes. This will prevent the Attribute Editor from switching to them before the callback ends, as the nodes are not selected on creation.
2. add "evalDeferred( "select " + $fileNode )" at the end - this means that in a second, the new file node will be selected, and the Attribute Editor will switch to it (after the callback exits). This way, the Attribute Editor ends up in the same state as it would have been before.
MAYA-22469 Maya constantly executes "toolButton -q -ann $gNonSacredToolWidget;", making it difficult to read the contents of the Script Editor history.

moduleDetectionLogic refers to the new "autoloader" plug-in. Unloading "autoLoader" prevents the following commands:
loadModule -scan;.

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